Effects of Alcohol

Dr. Purushothaman
September 10, 2013

An alcoholic beverage is any drink that contains ethanol. Nowadays, alcoholic beverages are regularly consumed by most people either as part of standard diet, for hygienic/medical reasons, for its relaxant and euphoric effect, for recreational purposes, for artistic inspiration, as aphrodisiacs, for celebrations, and for many other reasons.
According to a california drug rehab center [http://oceanhillsrecovery.com/california-drug-rehab.php], alcohol is also considered a psychoactive drug with a depressant effect. A high amount of alcohol in the bloodstream reduces attention and slows reaction speed. It is addictive and it has many effects, both short- and long-term.
Short-term effects
* Intoxication. This is one of the most immediate effects of alcohol. It affects the brain and causes slurred speech, clumsiness, and delayed reflexes.
* Insulin Production. Alcohol stimulates the production of insulin which then causes glucose metabolism to speed up and the blood sugar to decrease. That's why too much alcohol can be deadly for diabetics. A california drug rehab center [http://oceanhillsrecovery.com/california-drug-rehab.php] said that this is mainly the explanation for alcohol poisoning.
* Dehydration.
* Body Relaxation
* Lowered Inhibitions.
* Anterograde amnesia. Also referred to as 'blacking out'.
* Ataxia.
Long-term effects
* Death. Many unnatural deaths have been related to alcohol, some of which are suicide, falls, traffic injuries, asphyxia, intoxication, and murder.
* Heart Disease. According to a california drug rehab center, alcohol also has beneficial effects if taken in moderation. Findings of one study showed that men who drank moderate amounts of alcohol three or more times a week were up to 35% less likely to have a heart attack than non-drinkers. In fact, daily intake of 1 or 2 units of alcohol is associated with a lower risk of coronary heart disease in men over 40 and women who have been through menopause.
* Dementia. This could result from long-term moderate or short-term drinking. Although in people aged 55 or above, light to moderate drinking was associated with a 42% drop in the probability of developing dementia and a 70% reduction in risk of vascular dementia.
* Cancer. There are several types of cancer that have been associated with alcohol consumption. These are mouth cancer, pharyngeal cancer, oesophageal cancer, laryngeal cancer, breast cancer, bowel cancer, and liver cancer.
* Alcoholism. This is an addiction to alcohol.
* Stroke. According to a study, those who abstain from alcohol were 2.36 times more likely to suffer a stroke than those who drank a moderate amount everyday. Although heavy drinkers were 2.88 times more likely to suffer a stroke than moderate drinkers.

Article Source: http://goarticles.com/article/Effects-of-Alcohol/1692674/


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