Education is a sector that is constantly evolving. In India, it is a field that has been under constant criticism and scrutiny for many decades now.
The system that is held responsible for educating our children, which is run by the education ministry of the central and state governments and various private institutions, have been criticized for lacking a clear vision for the future of the sector in India and the inability to find solutions for the many deep rooted flaws in the way the education sector in this country works. But one among all these negative reports there are a lot of commendable steps that have been taken but do not get as much media attention as all the criticisms do. One of them is the gradual growth of online learning in India’s schools and colleges.
E-learning comprises of all forms of electronic learning including all computer based and internet based learning solutions. E-learning is a way of utilizing technology to present knowledge in a form that is easier to access, understand and store. A USB drive can store as many pages as tens of textbooks, a video presentation van helps you understand a science experiment that would otherwise require you to be in a lab or watch the experiment being conducted. Teachers need not take the same classes again for different batches of students. The students have an option of learning something when they want it, where they want it.
E-learning is very cost effective too. A lot of the paper work that is required by traditional methods of schooling can be eliminated. The technological resources if used to their optimum potential can drastically alter the cost of education in our schools. Considering the sky rocketingexpenses that students are forced to accrue just for acquiring their basic right to education; this is an immensely attractive aspect of e-learning.
Synchronous training or real time training is in fact not too different from the traditional training because all the students are involved in the process at the same time. The course material could be on the students’ individual systems or a projector screen or the students could be in different places via teleconferencing or web meetings. Asynchronous training doesn’t demand the presence of all the students and each student can learn the course at his/her home at a time they find convenient and could take the help of the instructor through internet or other tools. This is especially beneficial for senior students who work during the day or have any other need that prevents them from attending regular classes.
E-learning focuses on the learner more than traditional methods of learning because the information present is available for the student to use according to their preference of subject matter or personal preference. Every student has his/her own method and pace for learning. In class roomsituations, where students who require more time than their peers to grasp new ideas, could feel left out because they cannot keep up with the flow of the class. The students take personal responsibility for their own learning and this is could be advantageous because it gives them a sense of responsibility.
Audio-visual aids, interactive course presentations and application based questions are tremendously effective as study tools because they enable better retention of the subject matter by stimulating the brain. Also, students have the option of redoing a particular section in case they couldn’t grasp it completely the first time around. Also, when different teachers teach the same subject, there are chances ofundue fluctuations in the kind of information passed on. With an e-learning tool, this problem is eliminated as the material is the same for all the students.
Although e-learning has tremendous factors working towards its advantage, it needs to be seen how well our educational institutions implement it. The initial investment is considerably high and the resistance from those who are yet to see the advantage of such a system and thus doubting its effectiveness are major challenges. Anything less than full commitment on part of the elders would lead to our kids being deprived of the positives that could be derived from the implementation of e-learning in our schools. This is where the government needs to step in to ensure that something so important for the future of education in this country is not overlooked or allowed to be neglected. A combined and earnest effort from all the concerned people would do wonders for the coming generations of this country.
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