Education Administration

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Dr. Purushothaman
November 30, 2013

Educational administration is a discipline within the study of education that examines the administrative theory and practice of education. The Ministry of Human Resource Development established the National University of Educational Planning and administration which is a leading organization dealing with capacity building and research in planning and management of education not only in India but also in South Asia. The national university has its origin from 1962 when UNESCO established the Asian Regional centre for Education Planning and Administrators which shortly became the educational Planning and Administration in 1965. Again it was renamed as the National staff College for Educational Planners and Administrators.

The National University includes ten departments, has an excellent multidisciplinary faculty and a well equipped library with a good number of books, national and international journals and official documents. It covers all facets of education from both the national and international development perspectives. Apart from that the National University offers M. Phil, Ph.D. and part time Ph.D. programs in educational policy, planning and administration from a social science perspective. Competent administrators are required for the successful operation of educational institutions.

Education administrators provide instructional leadership and manage the day-to-day activities in schools, preschools, day care centers, colleges and universities. It also conduct the educational programs of businesses, correctional institutions, museums, job training and community service organizations. Education administrators set educational standards, goals and establish the policies and procedures required to achieve them. They also manage managers, support staff, teachers, counselors, librarians and also develop academic programs, monitor students'educational progress, train and motivate teachers and other staff. Apart from that they also handle relations with parents, prospective and current students, employers, and the community. In a smaller organization like a small day care center, one administrator may handle all these functions but in universities or large school systems the things are changed, responsibilities are divided among many administrators, each with a definite goal. Education administrators are responsible for the smooth functioning of the school.

These professionals make significant decisions that influence the education of the school children. The policies which are implemented by the administrator also impact the curriculum. For instance, an education administrator can decide that certain books are not suitable for students and this will impact the types of books that the school purchases. The education administrators are also concerned about the budget of a school system. The education administrator in the school must ensure that the student's performance is up to the mark. This is gained by testing and the principal should visit the class frequently to observe a teacher's method.

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