Drawing The Attention To Adult Attention Disorder

Dr. Purushothaman
October 1, 2013

Forgetting your appointments is a common ordeal many of us face, but if this is combined with a regular display of procrastination, irritability and trouble in concentrating then perhaps you need to understand adult attention disorder. Though you might think that this disorder is just the result from a lack of willpower to do a particular task, it has nothing to do with willpower but an essential chemical problem in the management function of the brain.

The fundamental problem of adult attention disorder is the same as that is seen in children afflicted with this disorder like lack of concentration, inability to follow instructions and more. However, the adult ADHD symptoms are a lot more subtle as they get masqueraded in the daily confusions one might face in performing routine tasks like organizing your house well or unable to make decisions. One of the most common myths one can have about Adult ADHD is that an adult cannot suffer from this disorder unless they have suffered from the same illness as a child. This is completely untrue as adult ADHD can affect people who had very normal childhoods.

Few of the most common symptoms one experiences in adult attention disorder are a lack of concentration that can be signified by a ‘zoning out’ pattern in individuals as they have trouble following conversations. They also cannot finish tasks and can get distracted or forgetful which may lead to the formation of errors or incomplete work. Trouble in basic tasks involving organization is also one of the common adult ADHD symptoms in which such a person will not be able to organize even a basic home or an office space and will procrastinate such tasks to avoid undertaking such projects.

Though hyperactivity is very easy to spot in a child suffering from ADHD, adult ADHD symptoms of hyperactivity will manifest differently as adults will be restless and filled with nervous energy. They have intense mood swings that make them feel bored and irritated and unable to just sit and relax. Impulsive behavior is also a common factor that is seen in people affected with adult attention disorder as it causes them to ask questions on a whim and interrupt others or blurt things they regret later. The effects on a person affected with this disorder can be damaging to health, relating to work and finances, and also in relationships.

The way in which one can tackle adult attention disorder is not easy but it involves easy exercises like self-help and getting educated about this illness. One can also go ahead to tackle this condition by practicing basic organizational skills and minimizing stress in the daily routine to incorporate positive changes that will help one to cope with the adult ADHD symptoms. Working on one’s social skills like active listening, pausing before speaking, and seeking support from a social group or a therapist could prove to be vital in adult ADHD therapy. Incorporating healthier choices in your life like good sleep, healthy eating habits, and getting sufficient exercise could also help in the long run.

Adult attention disorder is one case that could create a social handicap in an individual’s life if left ignored or untreated. But a positive approach can bring an effortless smile to the face of a person who has to make conscious choices in all other activities.


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