Do You Know What Is Sexual Wellbeing?

Dr. Purushothaman
May 27, 2018

A lot of emphases are given to physical health these days in the form of healthy living and eating. The fast-paced and stressful life has also made it important to focus on mental as well as sexual wellbeing.  Ensuring that your reproductive organs are in good health and that you enjoy a healthy sex life is just as important for a healthy life.

What Is Sexual Wellbeing?

The question that arises is what really is sexual wellbeing? It basically means that a person has a positive approach towards their own sexuality and their sexual relationships. They enjoy a healthy and fulfilling relationship with their partner. The first and core step to this is to truly accept and feel confident with your own body, respect one's partner and their needs. It is completely okay if you are unsure of things and for that, you can make use of online sexual counselling in India. This can help you get rid of all your dilemmas around this topic and help you enjoy a healthier sex life.

A good and healthy sexual life creates a deeper emotional intimacy between couples. A stable sexual wellbeing also impacts everyday life and your overall health. There is still a lot of discrimination on this topic which is why it is harder to counter issues surrounding it. Online marriage counselling in India helps ensure that there are trust and communication between partners.

How To Achieve A Healthy Sex Life?

Understanding your own body is crucial for sexual wellbeing. There is a lot of insecurity as far as the physical body is concerned. Reproductive organs and their ability as well as inability to function is also a topic that is swept under the rug. Being comfortable with your body and being able to have an open dialogue, about one's strength and weakness also boosts sexual health. You can make use of free online sexual counselling in India, which can easily help you tackle these issues.

Many states in India such as Kerala are urging people to understand the dynamics of a healthy sexual life. This is because any problem in one area of life and health is interrelated and encompasses your entire well being. Another factor that significantly affects sex life is unhealthy expectations. Media outlets project a very unrealistic image of how ones love and sexual life should be. Rather than trying to match up to such standards, one should work at creating a level of physical and emotional comfort with their partner.

Importance Of Protection

There is of course a lot more emphasis on healthy sex because of the dangers of many diseases. This is why the use of contraceptive is highly important for sexual wellbeing. The market these days is flooded with various types of contraceptives which are useful in eliminating the chances of contracting diseases. It is important to find a contraceptive that fits your preferences and lifestyle.

The last but most important issue is creating awareness. The reason why a lot of people suffer from unhealthy issues related to their sexual well being is due to lack of education. There is a lot of misconception about this issue and it can only be dealt with by having open communication.

Living in wellbeing addresses many such issues in our life with more emphasis to healthy living. Watch this page to stay updated on how to lead a happy and healthy sex life. We provide sexual counselling in Kerala that covers the importance of being safe in indulging in sexual activity along with other issues related to sexual wellbeing.

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