Contracting Alcoholism and Drug Treatment for Employees

Dr. Purushothaman
September 9, 2013

One in three people has an addiction to either alcohol or drugs. Addictions don't just happen at home either, many of them spill into or directly affect workplace performance. If we see it from the angle of the employers, it is definitely in their interest to minimize this problem as much as possible. How many productive hours do you think have been lost through the years in terms of productivity, because of alcohol problems among employees? I will not even try to do an estimate to figure it out, but common sense tells me that millions upon millions have been left on the table because of this widespread problem. And from the alcohol-addicted employee's view, it's also obvious that they have a big interest in getting rid of their problems. As part of health and wellness benefits, many companies are offering alcoholism and drug treatment programs for employees by contracting out to firms that protect employee privacy and help them overcome their addiction which leads to not only better employee health and family relations but also leads to more productive employees.

Alcoholism addiction treatment is the most widely used benefit program in many organizations. Because of alcohol's availability and consumption, many people find that one drink can lead to another, and another, and eventually to addiction. Many people don't even realize they have an addiction to alcohol until a family member or loved one steps in to help them identify their program and seek treatment. The first concern for many is how it will affect their job if an employer finds out. This is where contracted firms come into play by offering private treatment without disclosing the actual employee name or information to the company. Contrary to many employees' opinions, the organization they work for would actually prefer they seek treatment for their addiction rather than having the company terminate them for their addiction. The company is not only looking out for the organization's best interest but does have a vested interest in the employee's well-being.

Drug treatment, though not as common as alcoholism, is another benefit offered to employees through third-party firms. While drug abuse can have far more serious legal implications, many organizations still want to help employees seek treatment before the problem affects their lives or forces them to take action against the employee.

The sobering statistics of 1 in 3 having an addiction makes the need for intervention all too evident. With proper treatment and counselling, many employees can return to their jobs more productive, and happier in all aspects of life, than before their treatment.


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