The Numerous Benefits of Yoga for Mind, Body and Spirit

Dr. Purushothaman
January 16, 2014


The practise of Yoga has a distinct mind and body connection. Doing yoga requires the practice of precise and controlled moves, with a degree of mental commitment, while a controlled breath brings peace and inner calm.
Yoga has become increasingly popular over the last century, spreading out to the western world. The ultimate goal of a yoga meditation routine is to achieve a balanced union between mind, body, and spirit, due to its main elements of posture and breathing.
Here are some of the yoga's numerous specific benefits:-
•Yoga is very effective in alleviating stress and reducing anxiety.
•Regular practice helps the attainment of greater self-restraint, a strong state of mind, and genuine sense of compassion.
While the practice of yoga exudes a sense of calmness, it is a dynamic activity that is ever changing and evolving, allowing yoga students to achieve a heightened state of consciousness.
•Meditation is an integral aspect in yoga and it is instigated using the breath to start calming and clearing the mind. This allows for more focus, preventing the mind from wondering about present day events or activates.
•With constant practice meditation can be wondrous and uplifting. It can take us to areas of our mind that we probably never deemed possible. It can have a dramatic effect on how we view our life, and how we view others. We are all responsible for what goes on around us. When we practise yoga and meditation it will help us to realise this and stop us from blaming others when circumstances go wrong.
Having the proper posture and having a calmer mind-set allows yoga students to achieve a healthier body and sound mind. By allowing energies to flow correctly and in the right direction it also helps in addressing many other health concerns and emotional issues.
A sincere yoga student becomes truly genuine in their intent to change their lifestyle and their body. They have renewed energy, healthier immune and nervous system, and more vigour to deal with life’s everyday events. It also encourages healthy blood circulation and regulates blood pressure.
•Yoga is a very good aid to losing weight because the movements encourage the removal of toxins from the system. Not only does it help reduce weight, it also helps to maintain your ideal weight.
•It helps the physical body to achieve strength, endurance and co-ordination.
•Yoga keeps the mind, body, and spirit connection in good balance. It also provides an avenue for mental and physical growth.
•Yoga is a safe exercise during pregnancy. Also, it can be helpful to pregnant women to improve their health for the sake of the foetus.
•Older generations can also benefit from doing yoga, as this can help their bodies heal quicker, and reduce any pains due to inactivity and poor posture.
•It contributes to the health of the spirit as it allows you to be more in touch with your inner self.
•Finally, yoga helps to rid the mind of negative thoughts that various stresses have instilled in the past.
If you are still not convinced of all these benefits and about whether yoga is for you, now is the time to try it and find out for yourself how it can heal the mind, body, and spirit.


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