Behaviorism- Branch of Psychology

Dr. Purushothaman
October 7, 2013

Behaviorism is a major branch of psychology as it covers the aspects how mind is link to the physical actions preformed by the living being. The branch covers everything which a person does in his or her daily life which common folks define as behavior. This is one of the most recent discoveries in social sciences as it began to appear in the years of the World War 2 by 1950s and its main development was made in United States.

Behaviorism's discovery dates up to in the early 20th century by American psychologist John B. Watson, and accepted and further more upgraded and extended by Edward Thorndike, Clark L. Hull, Edward C. Tolman, and later B.F. Skinner. Theories of learning, which are the grass roots of the behavioral sciences define and emphasized the ways in which people might be of a nature, or accustomed, by their natural environment to behave in certain ways.

Classical conditioning also holds roots in different fields of psychology and was an early and some what a major discovery in the process behaviorist model. It is said and to some extent proved that tendencies followed by the behavioral model in the fields of psychology are unwavering by instantaneous relations between various environmental stimuli and the degree of pleasure or pain that follows a deed as the humans follow the patterns which involve the physical and mental processes. Behavioral patterns, then, were unwritten to consist of organisms' accustomed responses to the stimuli in their environment. The stimuli were held to exert influence in proportion to their prior repetition or to the previous intensity of their associated pain or pleasure. Much research consisted of laboratory-based animal experimentation, which was increasing in popularity as physiology grew more sophisticated.

Skinner is also a very notable name the behaviorism sciences as he is one of those psychologists who follow the principles of positivism and the concepts of determinism. As the names suggest that both of these principles follow the rules which boost up the human mental processes and affect the behavior. Behaviorism is the part which creates confusion and gives a rise to the experimental psychology as it is the one which created the concepts of experimentation on subjects and using the results to predict what can happen in different situation in different conditions. The concept of control experiments also arouse as it is very vital to know what does happen in real condition or without any kind of stimuli. The benefits of such study could uncountable as the human society is constantly evolving. This evolution is to be understood in order gain maximum benefits from this unstoppable process. A large number of people practice this science. The persons who practice this field of modern sciences are termed as psychologists. Such difference arises as each human perceives each item differently. The perception depends on how the mind is trained. In some cases the training conflicts. But in some cases same kind of training projects different results.

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