Behavior of the Individual in Society

Dr. Purushothaman
October 7, 2013

It is the behavior of the individual that shapes society.
Human behavior is the expression of the action expressed by the result of the interaction of various internal and external factors which we live, such as personality, culture, expectations, roles and experiences.
The behavior is defined as the set of reactions of a dynamical system in the phase interactions and renewal offered by the medium in which is involved.
When dealing with individuals, we can define as the set of reactions and attitudes of an individual or group of individuals in the face of the social environment.
Freud stressed the important relationship between the behavior of an adult human and certain episodes of his childhood, but decided to fill the considerable gap between cause and effect with states or activities of the mental apparatus. Conscious or unconscious desires or emotions in adults represent these past episodes and are considered directly responsible for its effect on behavior. (Source: Wikipedia)

Behavior is the way to be connected.
There is a hard thing to be taught and that, so maybe it is increasingly rare: the elegance of behavior.
It's a gift that goes well beyond the correct use of cutlery and covering much more than say a simple thank you before a kindness.
It is the elegance that accompanies us from early morning until bedtime and that manifests itself in the most prosaic, when no party nor any photographers around.
It is an elegantly relieved.
You can detect it in people who praise more than criticize. In people who listen more than they talk. And when they speak, they spend away from gossip, small evils magnified by word of mouth. You can detect it in people who do not use a superior tone of voice when addressing the attendants. In people who avoid embarrassing issues because they do not feel pleasure in humiliating others.
You can detect it in people off.
Elegant is who shows interest in matters unknown, the giver is outside the holidays, is who delivers what it promises, and to receive a call, does not recommend the desk before you ask who is speaking and then sends word whether or not is.
Giving flowers is always elegant.
You stay classy not too spacious.
It's not elegant just change your style to suit another.
It's not very fashionable to talk of money in informal chats.
It is elegant reciprocate affection and solidarity.
Surname, jewelry nosed and not replace the elegance of gesture.
There is no book that teaches someone to take a generous view of the world, be it in a non-arrogant. You can try to capture this natural delicacy through observation, but try to imitate it is unproductive.
The output is to develop in himself the art of living, independent of social status: just ask licencinha Brucutu to our side, who thinks with friend does not have to have these frills.
If friends do not deserve a certain warmth, is that the enemies will not enjoy it.
Education rusts from disuse. And detail: no frills. (Martha Medeiros)

The human being experiences himself, his thoughts as something separated from the rest of the universe - a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. And this delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for concepts closest people. Our main task is to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion so that it covers all living creatures and the whole nature in its beauty. No one can fully achieve this goal, but to fight for its realization in itself is already part of our liberation and the foundation of our homeland security. (Albert Einstein)

Nobody is equal to anybody. Every human being is a strange odd. (Carlos Drummond de Andrade)

The golden rule of conduct is mutual tolerance, since everyone will think never the same way, but now we'll never see a part of the truth and under different angles. (Mahatma Gandhi)

Hugs and much peace!!

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