Attention Deficit Disorder - Nutritionional Treatments

Dr. Purushothaman
October 1, 2013

Submitted by DarcyRabon528
Thu, 12 Jul 2012

In former articles we went over what ADD is and how to recognize it. In this third part we are going to create a course on how to treat ADD. ADD can in fact be fought from many directions. There are drugs, behavior modification, nutrition, exercise, and a multitude of other ways that can be done to fight ADD in both children and adults.

In this article we are going to choose the general course first and consider correct nutrition which can have a colossal effect on the behavior of a person dealing with ADD.

One of the prime contributing factors to children who suffer from ADD is when their blood sugar level, or glucose level becomes too low. This causes them to get drowsy in class and then ultimately anxious because they are bored. Glucose is highly imperative in determining a child's attention span. This may sound overused but the most ideal meal of the day is breakfast and glucose should be a piece of every child's breakfast. This will insure that the child's blood sugar level is maintained throughout the day. Kids who skip breakfast tend to have a shorter attention span and a harder time remembering things.

Next is vitamin B. Vitamin B is essential because it assists in the discharge of the energy in glucose. Without the correct serving of vitamin B in the diet a child can become disruptive and depressed. There are 12 essential parts to vitamin B so it may be difficult for a child to obtain all the vitamin B he or she needs just from eating, granted cereal is a great source of vitamin B. To add to the rest a good multi vitamin capsule will do the trick.

Iron is also very important. Iron helps in transporting oxygen to the blood system and the individual cells, most importantly, brain cells. Insufficient iron in the diet can lead to anaemia, which is very common in children who do not have a complete diet. Anaemic children, as well as adults, are very exhausted and do not have the energy to do the things they aspire to or need to do. Good sources of iron are red meat, tuna, chicken and vegetables like broccoli.

Folic acid is also necessary as this assists in the formation of red and white blood cells. insufficient folic acid will also make a child feel tired, irritable and forgetful. Fruits and vegetables are bona fide sources of folic acid.

Zinc is needed to maintain communication between the brain cells and the nerve cells. Zinc deficiencies can induce your child to have difficulty in working out academic problems, which can lead to annoyance for the child, therefore bringing on ADD symptoms. Zinc can be obtained in cereals and peanuts.

Vitamin An is essential for the nervous system. Vitamin An also helps to strengthen vision. Most times a child will have problems in school on account of of impaired eye sight. Vitamin A can help to improve the eye sight which in turn will lessen the child's irritation. Vitamin A can be found in carrots and many orange or yellow fruits like bananas.

Proper nutrition is an required part of a child's health whether he or she has ADD or not. But in children with ADD, suitable nutrition is critical.


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