Anxiety On The Road? Panic Attacks Help

Dr. Purushothaman
September 24, 2013

Panic attacks help is essential for those that have had attacks on the road and continue to drive in fear. There are those who are terrified of driving and find it hard to get into a car even as a passenger. Each person may have their reason for fearing to drive. A traumatic experience such as being involved in a car accident or witnessing one, can ingrain terrifying thoughts and images into the subconscious.
A panic attack although frightening is nothing more than a natural nervous response to counteract a danger. This stress response can be set off with mere thoughts and feelings of danger. Way back when man hunted for food, the stress response gave man the strength, focus and energy to fight off dangerous animals. However, in the modern world this response has become more redundant. Stress itself is the main cause of unnecessary activation of the fight or flight response.

Stress affects everyone and particularly people with stress related illnesses. Tests reveal that people with anxiety disorders have a far more sensitive response to stress and anxiety than the average person. It's not always a single traumatic event that causes one to fear driving. Several small incidences of panic can build up and cause an attack.

Getting caught in a traffic jam, missing your exit on the freeway, driving at night and driving over bridges; these are common situations that nervous drivers dread. A panic attack can come on extremely quickly. A driver might feel their chest hurt, temperature increase and muscles shake uncontrollably. It is a terrifying experience that can put both the driver and others around them at risk.

People who have suffered attacks may refuse to drive or get back into a car. Getting panic attacks treatment is not essential since it's the choice of the driver whether they can live without driving again, but it is a good idea to overcome one's fears. Driving is a necessity for some people.

Common panic attacks help comes in the form of therapy or medication. While medication can reduce the risk of attacks and symptoms, it is essential to seek advice from a doctor. Some medications may cause drowsiness and impair driving. Therapies that require no use of medication are perhaps better suited to this phobia.

Other means of panic attacks help include therapies such as EFT and hypnotherapy as well as visualization and meditation. Preparation is a great help for those who are anxious about driving. Don't get into a car in an emotional state. Spend a few minutes breathing deeply to relax you before you travel. Take a mobile phone, a snack, a CD and a paper bag with you.

For long journeys always map out a route unless you know it by heart. Don't drive when the roads are really busy. Put on the radio or a CD to calm you and pay attention to any tension that you have. As you drive, keep a relaxed and steady breath, and relax you body. Use reassuring and positive statements and imagine getting to your destination safely and calmly.

If you start to feel anxious, don't worry, continue to breathe deeply and reassure yourself that it's just adrenaline in your body. As soon as you think that you're going to have a panic attack, find a safe place to pull over. Some people find breathing into a paper bag helps them to calm down. Make sure to give yourself time to calm before driving again and if you can't drive, call for help.



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