Aging Tips And Tricks For A Younger You

Dr. Purushothaman
September 9, 2013

Ageing can bring many challenges, and along with those challenges, it can bring many questions about how to deal with the change. All it takes is some common sense advice that you can use in a practical way to make your life the best it can be. Take a look at the tips in this article and you will be on your way to facing these challenges.

Avoid frowning to prevent wrinkles. While it may seem difficult to achieve, controlling your facial muscles is possible. Every time you feel that you begin to frown give yourself a tiny pinch so that you stop. It may help you to break that bad frowning habit.

Learn a new language, play Sudoku, travel the world! These are all things that can help you stay younger longer. Challenging yourself mentally has been shown to keep your brain younger. Audit some classes at the local college or just start up a book club with your friends. Keep your brain active and engaged!

One of the things that you can do, in order to achieve slow ageing, is to avoid sugar. It is well known that sugar is one of the direct causes of ageing and by avoiding it, you will significantly increase your lifespan. Try to remind yourself of this fact, when sugary sweets and desserts are calling your name.

Having healthy relationships and maintaining them is a very important thing to have for healthy aging. Being involved in many community activities has been proven to promote a healthier and longer life. To realize maximum benefit from social support, focus more on intimate relationships based on self-disclosure rather than casual acquaintances.

Our society is too preoccupied with money. Once we reach retirement age we can let go of this. We have the time to pursue interests like music and painting and can gain enormous enjoyment from them. An art or craft done for the pure joy of it brings real fulfilment.

As the years go by, our habits harden. We tend to become sclerotic in mind as well as the body. Overcoming this is the secret to good ageing. Open up to new interests, people and places. Try something you thought you couldn't do. Challenge those dead habits and new life will unfold!

Perhaps there was something you really wanted to do when you were in your twenties, but you set it aside as impractical: you had to pay the bills, provide for your family. Now that you have reached retirement age, it is time to think back to those interests you set aside. Don't think you can't pursue them now. You can!

As you get older, keeping a good balance when walking is a common complaint. Oftentimes, some may resort to using a walker or cane to help them keep their footing. Studies had shown that instead of using the customary walker or cane, instead, use a pole. A pole will help strengthen the upper body as well as help the balance of the senior when they walk.

Everyone says it is good to remain active in your old age. This is true. It is also true that this is the right time to step back and contemplate life. What was truly valuable? What was a waste of time? What would you advise your grandchildren to do?

Most everyone is lacking one vitamin or another, but one vitamin that most people, especially those that are ageing don't get enough of is Vitamin D. Vitamin D helps your internal health as well as your well-being, so to age gracefully, begin by getting a little sunlight each day, which is the best source of Vitamin D. It is also acceptable to supplement with foods high in Vitamin D as well as vitamin supplements.

Change your oils and change your life! Ageing should mean less of the bad oils like partially hydrogenated, corn, cottonseed or soybean and more of the good like fish oil, flax oil, olive oil and nut oils! It is a painless change over that can really make a big difference in your overall health and well being, especially as you get older.

One simple way to reduce your risk of heart disease is to eat less red meat and start eating more fish. It is known that the saturated fat in meat increases cholesterol which in turn contributes to heart disease. On the other hand, fish is good for your heart and is much healthier for you.

As you get older, fortify your diet with more healthy foods like fish, vegetables and fruits. As you age, your body becomes more sensitive to artificial ingredients that are found in processed foods. Keeping your diet full of healthier alternatives will save your body from the adverse effects of artificial fillers.

As the day wears on, you will notice that your skin may become more dry and irritated. Therefore, it is important to keep your skin moisturized at all times. Moisturizing your skin can give you a smooth feel and can reduce the dry skin cells on your face which will help you look more vivacious.

As you can see from the tips in this article, the answers to your questions are not as hard to find as you might have imagined. Look the challenges of aging right in the eye, and show that you know how to use practical know-how to make your life great.

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