7 Means to Improve Your Health and Wellbeing

Dr. Purushothaman
January 21, 2014

Taking steps to improve your health and wellbeing will raise your quality of life dramatically. Its never too late to improve your health and there are a number of things you can utilize in your lifestyle that will give you marvelous results.
1. Meditate: A lot of people underestimate the benefits that frequent meditation will have on their health and wellness. The benefits of frequent meditation include reduced stress levels, better sleep, improved concentration and a general feeling of wellbeing. And meditation isn't as difficult as you might believe. There are many guided meditation CDs and downloads available to enable you to experience the benefits of meditation immediately.
2. Refrain from Fad Diets: Despite their popularity, fad diets are hardly ever beneficial to your health. They may enable you to lose weight temporarily, but following a healthy, balanced diet and eliminating processed foods and junk foods is the best long term solution.
3. Sunlight: Getting out in the sunlight for at least 30 minutes a day is great for your health and wellbeing. deficiency of sunlight can lead to depression, seasonal affective disorder and Vitamin D deficiency. If your lifestyle and the area that you live keep you from getting a daily sunlight fix, consider investing in a light box.
4. Sleep: Getting enough sleep is of utmost importance to your health and well-being. The average male needs 7 hours of sleep each night, the average female needs 8 hours and teenagers and young children need far more. A deficiency in sleep can cause poor concentration, headaches, inability to concentrate, accidents and even death.
5. Exercise: Regularized exercise is vital to your health and well-being. But you don't have to join the gym, or enroll in an aerobics class. Choosing an exercise program that you enjoy is of greater importance than anything. Just taking a 20 walk every day is just as good for you as any other form of exercise.
6. Listen to Music: Recent studies by scientists in Canada and Mexico have shown that listening to positive music you enjoy improves your health and well-being. This is because it increases your levels of dopamine  generally known as the happy hormone. The studies showed that jazz, classical, and rock music showed the greatest influence.
7. Lose Weight: If you are overweight or obese you are definitely putting your health at risk. Long-term obesity can lead to diseases like heart disease, certain types of cancer and diabetes. And, according to the W.H.O., close to 3 million people pass away each year as a result of long-term obesity.
Whichever methods you decide to incorporate into your lifestyle to improve your health and well-being, you will be glad that you did. Not only will you improve the quality of your life, you may also lengthen your lifespan.
About the Author
Ivan Grayson is an Herbalife distributer. His goal is to help everyone attain a healthy, happy life through adequate nutrition and healthy living. For more information visit: www://healthhappy.ws

Article Source: http://goarticles.com/article/7-Means-to-Improve-Your-Health-Wellbeing/5609663/

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