10 Success Tips For Internet Marketing!

Dr. Purushothaman
January 9, 2014


I think everyone would love to be their own boss. But it’s not as easy as one would think. You have easy access to TV., to the refrigerator, the phone keeps ringing, your friends come to visit, because they know your home. You can hang around in your p,j’s, which makes you lazy and that couch looks really inviting. When being your own boss in an internet marketing business you need to have some rules for yourself, some discipline.
Here are 10 tips to make it easier for internet marketing!
1. Shower and get dressed, just like you were going to a work away job. This gets you refreshed and ready for the day.
2. Have a good breakfast. Get your mindset for a productive day.
3. Turn off the phone, when not making phone calls. Put the TV. remote in another room.
4. When you run out of ideas or just don’t feel like working. Take a short walk, or whatever it takes to get inspired again, then get back to work.
5. Keep some sticky notes nearby. When you have an idea, write it down. You can refer to them when your out of your creative zone.
6. Take breaks. They say for every hour you work, take a 10-15min break and get your mind refreshed.
7. Keep water in your work area. It keeps you hydrated and keeps you from wanting to snack all day.
8. Set a time for work. When it passes, Stop. Don’t let work run your life.
9. Make a log of what your doing with your work time. Remember no real progress = no real money.
10. Be grateful! Your one of the lucky ones that get to be your own boss. You don’t have to commute in bumper to bumper traffic just to work in a cubicle.
Most of all remember to love life and don’t waste time.
Benjamin Franklin Quoted: “Doust Thou Love Life? Then do not squander time, for that is the stuff life is made of!”

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