10 Common Symptoms of Attention Deficit Disorder Children

Dr. Purushothaman
October 2, 2013

Attention deficit disorder children tend to view the world in a different way than their peers. They concentrate differently, behave differently, and may have odd ways of interacting socially. It is not that attention deficit disorder children don't want to succeed, or be popular in school, it is more a matter of their brain chemistry producing behavioral actions which simply are not compatible with long standing norms. In other words they simply have trouble fitting in.

But while we may associate attention deficit disorder children with less than sensible actions, and even hyperactive behavior, there are others with this condition who sit quietly in the classroom with their thoughts wandering a million miles away.

This type of attention deficit disorder child if often overlooked, even though they are struggling mightily in school, and may over time be labeled as lazy, or someone who just isn't trying hard enough.

These are dangerous labels for any child with ADD because they problem doesn't lie with their desire or motion to excel rather a brain chemical imbalance between the neurotransmitter chemicals dopamine and norepinephrine which causes them only to be able to focus for short periods of time unless they find the subject matter compelling.

The inability to focus can be both internally or externally driven. Attention deficit disorder children have a disproportionately high number of thoughts racing through their minds. Some days may be worse than others depending on any number of factors including diet, exercise, and the aforementioned brain chemical balance that happens to exist on that given day.

Attention deficit disorder children are also particularly sensitive to external factors, and any little distraction might be enough to cause their busy minds to jump the tracks in route to a different destination.

Have you noticed any of these 10 common symptoms of attention disorder children in your child?

*Is constantly misplacing frequently used items such as pencils, books, and homework

*Becomes distracted for no obvious reason

*Is consistently late, missing the school bus regularly

*Makes carless mistakes

*Looks like they are paying close attention but really aren't

*Has trouble sustaining focus for more than 10 or 20 minutes at a time

*Can't seem to get or stay organized

*Has a history of not finishing what they started; schoolwork, chores around the house, and projects

*Doesn't listen when spoken to directly

*Is unusually forgetful, perhaps leaving last night's homework assignment in their room

There are many other examples. Nevertheless, the symptoms of attention deficit disorder children listed above can provide serious challenges, both at home and at school. After all school requires careful attention detail, extended periods of concentration and focus, homework turned in on time, and the ability to follow instructions to the letter.

For attention deficit disorder children it is nearly impossible for them to live up to the above requirements. The result of course is chronic underachievement, with the possibility of being plagued by the ADD secondary symptoms of low self esteem and the anticipation of failure.

The good news is that parents who gain an understanding of ADD, and work with their child's teachers to find solutions, can truly make a big difference in their child's academic performance and overall happiness.

Additionally, some parents of attention deficit disorder children have found that by implementing a natural homeopathic ADD remedy they have been able to improve both short and long term results. These types of remedies are considered to be very safe, and have been shown to be an effective way to manage some of the most problematic ADD symptoms.

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