Why Should We Take Sleep Deficiency Seriously

Dr. Purushothaman
December 29, 2019

There are countless ways a healthy and fulfilling sleep is essential for the efficient functioning of the human body and mind. This is what scientific research and studies reveal to us every now and then. However, it is quite unfortunate that millions and millions of people around the world still remain unable to sleep well enough for one reason or the other. While many people really try to get those essential hours of sleep, they are still not able to get more than 5 to 6 hours a day, and this is one of the major causes of various serious ill-effects on people's health. Deficiency of sleep can inflict upon your life in an instance (like in a car crash) or over a period of time (from sleep disorders like insomnia).

Perhaps, one of the reasons behind all this is our contemporary fast paced lifestyle, where most of us are entangled in so many things which we deem as worthy and important (whether they really are or not!) that we simply fail to give our sleep the share of time it deserves. From watching our favourite late night TV show to losing track of time while reading an interesting book, there are simply way too many things that contribute in depriving us from the required dose of sleep that our body needs to feel and function well enough. People need to know more about the significance of sleep for their life, so here we are to let you know "Why Should We Take Sleep Deficiency Seriously".

Cerebral and Emotional Wellbeing

If you are under the impression that your brain also snoozes while you go to sleep, you are totally wrong. Your brain is performing countless functions even when you are asleep. Research studies point out that a good slumber contributes in improving your learning skills. Whether you are learning to drive a car, improve your golf skills or trying to get better at solving a math problem, a fulfilling sleep can enhance your learning skills. Not only does it contribute to your cerebral enhancement, it also improves your emotional wellbeing and stability according to many studies.

Physical Wellbeing

The contributions of sleep for your physical wellbeing are as significant as they are for your mental health and emotional stability. For example, your body undergoes daily repair and maintenance while you are asleep, from taking care of your heart, kidneys and lungs to repairing blood vessels. Prolonged sleep deficiency is known to result in increased probability of heart diseases, diabetes, high blood pressure as well as kidney diseases. In fact, there are many studies establishing a link between sleep deficiency and increased risks of obesity among all age groups. Your body’s reaction to insulin (a hormone responsible for regulating your blood sugar levels) also gets affected if you are not getting proper sleep. When your body gets sleep deficient, it results in raising blood sugar level, which might also lead you to diabetes.

Daytime Performance

The impact of sleeplessness in human beings does not just confine to night times, it affects your activities and functioning throughout the day. There are many studies suggesting that decline in daytime performance of people suffering from sleep deprivation is quite evident, in school as well as in the workplace. Not only that, but this may also lead to micro sleep, a phenomenon of brief intervals of sleep while you are normally awake. The problem with micro sleep is that you have no control over it, the worst part being your unawareness of any such thing happening to you most of the times. There can be some really serious implications of micro sleep; for example, missing some important part of your lecture or worse, you snooze while driving and end up in a hospital, only if you are lucky enough!


These are just a few of countless implications of sleep deficiency in your life. So, you better take good care of your sleep, before it ever becomes too precious a commodity for you to buy anymore. Give yourself a sleep friendly environment, so that your mind does not need to strive hard for lulling you asleep. Get yourself a comfortable memory foam mattress, draw the curtains and totally avoid electronic items like cell phones, laptops or TV when you snuggle into your comfortable bed and have a sound sleep to ensure your physical, mental and emotional well being.

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