Why Is Life So Hard & Complicated?

Dr. Purushothaman
July 28, 2024

Have you ever find yourself hurt, feeling sad or crying? At these times you must have felt that life is very hard to deal with. There would be situations in life where things would not be so easy for you. There can be many reasons for complications. Also in recent years, the pandemic has changed the lives of many and made it complicated.

When you find life is hard and complicated, it is time to sit back, pause and relax. This is because during tough situations we tend to take bad decisions and complicate our lives further. To understand why life is so hard and complicated, we list down some of the common reasons.

Humans are emotional beings. When something affects us negatively, we react to it with our emotions. Life becomes harder when we get into a reactionary mode. When we react to everything happening around us, we are making our lives difficult. The emotions make us overindulge, overdrink, overreact, overspend, etc. If we can control our emotions, we can make our life simpler.

  • We Depend on Others for our Happiness

Life gets hard when we depend on others for our happiness. When the expectations are not fulfilled, we get sad and the relationship suffers. Our life becomes even more difficult when we are let down constantly by our loved ones. The best way to come out of such a situation is to communicate with your loved ones and tell them how you feel.

  • Constant Criticism

We live in a society where we are constantly surrounded by some sort of criticism. What people say or think, affects us the most. The opinion of others always keeps a check on you. The problem of people judging other individuals is deep-rooted in our society and it needs to be handled well. The best approach in such a situation is to ignore what others say and do things that make you happy.

  • Fear

Most of the times life becomes hard when we live in the world of fear. We fear losing our loved ones, being broke, being a failure or any other thing like that. Breaking the cycle of fear is important. To do so you need to understand that some things are beyond your control and fearing about them will not be helpful. When you will keep your thoughts clean and have a positive attitude towards life, you will be able to overcome all the fears of your life.

The above mentioned are some of the reasons that make life harder and complicated. There are many ways to overcome it. It requires willpower and determination to come over the worries of life that hamper the peace of mind. Try to live your life honestly, when you do so most of the problems would stay away from you. Another step towards a stress-free life is clear communication, it can save you from a lot of problems. Also by avoiding being materialistic, you would have real people around your life.

Always remember that you do not have the power to change people. You have to change yourself according to the situation. If at any point in life, you want to learn the art of living life without complications, you may get in touch with Living In Wellbeing’s expert counsellors. They will understand your concerns and guide you towards a healthier life.



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