Why Do You Think People Live In Denial

Dr. Purushothaman
January 15, 2023

The concept of living in denial means that a person is living in a state of mind that includes avoiding or negating the reality of life. Denial is a state of mind that is used by people who do not want to acknowledge the bad stuff going on in their lives. In a psychological sense, people living in denial develop a defence mechanism for themselves by rejecting the reality of life.

When a person enters that stage of denial in life they engage themselves in escapist or distractive activities. This helps them in reducing stress and coping with life. There are three forms of denial; Simple denial, Minimisational denial and Transference denial. Each type of denial has its traits and effect on a person.

People living in denial can have positive as well as a negative impact on them. However, it is better to come out of that state of mind for healthy living. Moving past denial is very important if someone is suffering from chronic illness. There are various strategies to check if you are living in denial or not. You may try some of these strategies;

  • Check things about which you fear
  • Think of the negative things that can happen if you do not take action
  • Openly express your emotions and fears
  • Find out the irrational belief about your situation
  • Make a note of things you experience
  • Share your experience with your loved one or trusted friends
  • Participates in groups that help to heal

By following the above-mentioned strategies you may be able to re-discover yourself and come out of denial. If at any point in life, you feel low, depressed, or in a state of denial, you may get in touch with Living In Wellbeing’s expert counsellors. We will help you in overcoming your problems by involving yourself in motivational and inspirational talk with us.

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