Why Attitude Is Important For Our Body, Mind and Spirit

Dr. Purushothaman
January 20, 2015

When we are in right attitude, we find that our interactions with the world and ourselves become brighter, more productive and perpetuate the ‘feel good’ factor.

This in turn makes us healthier, successful and more peaceful.

Why attitude is important for our body, mind and spirit:

Attitude is how we treat others Attitude is the way we approach life

Attitude is contagious

Attitude is how we respond to challenges

Attitude affects our health

Attitude affects our relationships

Attitude is our personal trademark

Attitude determines if we fly or fall

Attitude creates experiences for you and others
- See more at: http://www.visionandviews.com/2014/05/why-attitude-is-important-for-our-body.html#sthash.wHyDtLHS.dpuf

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