What is success according to you?

Dr. Purushothaman
December 11, 2022

Success has different meanings to different people. In this world, everyone is trying hard to become a successful person. But have you ever thought about what the real meaning of success is? Success is a feeling that makes you happy, something that you enjoy and cherish. When you achieve success in life, you become a person who took the difficult path and overcame all the obstacles. Success opens you up for more challenges in life and helps you to grow mentally, professionally and spiritually.

Success is a feeling that will make you feel fulfilled and help you in moving towards the goals of your life. Some people often relate success with the amount of money they make. But the definition of success is much broader and beyond the materialistic pleasure of life. When you do something out of passion and purpose, you will feel like achieving success.

Most people often feel low when they do not achieve what they want to and consider themselves a failure. They should not forget that “Failures are the pillars of success”. You become successful only after repeated attempts and when you are doing something which is your passion you are successful. Success must match the rhythm of your soul. If you do something that keeps your mind and body healthy, you are following the right path to success. Success has no age limit, no certain time or any deadline.

Many times people compare themselves with others to measure success. This is the wrong criteria. To measure success you must look at your metrics rather than looking around. This will give you internal happiness and keep you calm. Throughout our childhood, you are taught various ideas of success from people you meet in your lives. It is alright to consider opinions but you should not necessarily adopt them in life. No one in your life has the power to impose their version of success on you. Therefore, do what you like and strive hard for your passion because that is the real meaning of success in life.

If at any point in life, you feel low or depressed about not achieving the desired success, you may get in touch with Living In Wellbeing’s expert counsellors and involve yourself in motivational and inspirational talk with us.

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