Peoples habits and daily living

Dr. Purushothaman
January 10, 2014


Sometimes when I go to the mall I sit down on a bench when I'm tired of walking and watch people. Thats right, I watch people. Its not only interesting but quite stimulating to the brain, as many questions arise to me. I have often foundnd myself musing over how a persons quality of life is, well after they have passed by the bench I was sitting on. You can't help but wonder afer seeing upset, happy, frantic, or just downright in the dumps sadness in people.

Another thing that is interesting to observe are peoples habits. Heck, We all have them and some of us may be completely oblivious to what these may be. Nevertheless they make up a part of who we are. I think the more habits we can visibly see in others the more likely we are to fit a specific character to that person.

Habits that we remember people by in general can also be referred to as quirks. I'm sure you may know someone who blinks a lot or squints while they are talking. Or maybe you know someone who pops their neck or back a lot (I know I do!). Regardless of what it is, it could become an irritation to you, but you will always remember that person by their habit.

So, Where do these habits come from? Often times they may come from stress, or a persons upbringing or an event of great magnitude that has caused a type of reaction.

Bad habits are another form which many of can be controlled or changed. These are mostly caused because of a lack of desire or maybe because a person is thoughtless or careless to people around them. These are my least favorite. They could include things like, picking your nose or following to closely behind another car on the road. I don't understand these habits so I tend to poke fun of people who have them on my blog, which you can view by clicking HERE.

I guess habits will always be apart of you and I. The important thing though, is that we identify the habits and try to understand where they come from. As we come to understand which habits are bad maybe we can work on replacing them with good ones that not only benefit ourselves but just as importantly our family and those we come in contact with each and every day.

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