Mind Body Medicine

Dr. Purushothaman
August 6, 2014

Mind, Body and Natural medicine

I am going to talk about your mind, body, and Cure with natural medicine.

Everything is up to you how you control yourself from over weights, chronic disease, and Stress.

First I am going to emphasize about Over Weight Problem:

In order to control your weight and never gain again, you need to first set your goal. You can absolutely do it if you set your mind. You do not need to join expensive fitness club or take diet pills. Following step by step procedure will take your weight off and you will never gain weight again.

Let's start with developing eating habit, exercise, and managing stress.

• Get up in the morning and first thing you should let your body relax. Stand in a quiet place put one hand up and one hand down stretch your body for couple of minutes from left to right, right to left, up and down. The best thing to do is YOGA for 15 minutes.
I will get to yoga for mind and body later.
Time to eat breakfast: Remember food and stress level is the key to gain weight. So I am going to stay on low fat and low carve diet.
I love green vegetable and fresh fruits. I also love whole wheat bread rather then white. You do not have to give up your taste. I will take one egg without yolk to make omelet. Mix with some pees, green bean, carrot and piece of finely chopped red onion. In a fry pan put half tea spoon of olive or canola oil and lightly cook the mixed egg. Now take two pieces of wheat bread toasted and use very little low fat butter, one cup of fresh orange juice avoid any processed juice of any kind that tends to have high sugar and calories. Always best to drink glass of water. You can take fresh squeezed juice or light fat free glass of milk. Note: you do not have to make omelet, you can simply use "sunny side up" egg too or simply eat bowl of oatmeal cereal with low fat milk. Consider reversing each meal with different things and make sure always focus on low fat low carve diet with green leafy vegetable and fresh fruits. I like everything organic.

• Lunch: make sure eat green salad with out any dressing or use one table spoon of sugar free low carve dressing or simply squeezed lemon juice on your salad. Low carve sandwich without cheese. White meat backed chicken, tuna or backed salmon sandwich, bottle of water or diet coke. Make sure the portion has to be less and not one and half foot sandwich. Always choose backed chicken over fry or simply go for vegetarian. Note: this is just the example of eating well. You can develop you own method but remember the key is low fat, low carve, low sugar and more green, fruits and vegetable. A Fundamental Guide to Using the Mediterranean Diet for Improved Health, Easy Weight Loss, Reducing the Risk of Heart Disease, Blood Pressure, and Common Allergies.

Dinner: Make sure again low carve dinner preferably backed salmon, backed chicken Brest with whole wheat bread and eat green salad. Be careful to use butter or other saturated fat. If you use butter make sure to use low fat margarine half a table spoon instead of three spoons. Cut down all fatty foods from your diet and avoid red meat. If you like ice cream or desert, take half a cup or sugarless low fat ice cream or sugarless law fat pumpkin pie or anything in this nature. Again watch the portion of desert and do not take 5 slices of pie or 5 scoops of ice cream. Make sure always eat some fresh fruits and lots of water. I love green tea it has tremendous health benefit.

Time to exercise: Find time to walk for 20 minutes, 5 times a week or if you are energetic go for 20 minute basket ball, tennis, biking or simply use treadmill at home. Remember walking has the overall more benefit then any other exercise.

• Make routing schedule for all of the above and see yourself in the mirror 6 months from now and you will find life is precious.

• Now lets talk abut chronic disease and illness. Lets Cure and prevent disease with natural medicine:

• Undoubtedly the world populations are facing so many chronic illnesses. Number one killer today is heart disease and too many people developing diabetes. To prevent and cure from theses diseases we must first understand our diet and exercise. Create healthy eating habit, eat low carve, low sugar and low fat food. To manage heart disease or to prevent from developing any from the beginning you need to educate yourself and learn to live longer. Diet and exercise play a vital rule in preventing heart disease and diabetes or even cancer.

• I will give you an example of how our body gets polluted and create toxic elements with foods that we eat and develop disease.
Let say we have a pond in the back yard and in the beginning we had crystal clear water, some water lilies and gold fish in the pond. It was wonderful pond we used to sit outside in our back yard near by pond and smell the lilies, enjoy clear water and gold fish. Later we start throwing garbage and some junk in the pond. Garbage and junk start getting rotten, water turns from crystal clear to yellowish and eventually dark green to dark brown. What happened to our gold fish and crystal clear water? Where are our wonderful lilies? Well you guessed it. All rotten garbage polluted water now became toxic and that killed all gold fish, water lilies does not grow any more like before and toxic water now if you touch it you will get skin rush and do not even think about put this water in your mouth or swim in it.

Our body act same way like the polluted pond. We start eating junk foods and fatty stuff on daily basis and eventually we will pollute our body with diseases, develop heart problem, diabetes, cancer or other chronic diseases. So to prevent right from the beginning we have to obey the eating rules, develop healthy eating habit that will prevent us from developing any diseases in the first place. If you are already suffering form any ailments Natural medicine diet and exercise plays a vita rule to cure any diseases.

• A Natural Medicine "GRAPE SEED EXTRACT "that works and cure many illnesses.

Grape Seed Extract is a great natural medicine and it's a cure for Anti Allergic Action, Ulcer, Cardiovascular Disease, Tooth Decay and Gum Disease, Skin Care, Lungs, and Asthma. We discover this wonder medicine when my wife was seriously ill by Asthma and allergy. We spent thousands of dollars to cure Asthma but never healed. Once we met one of our business colleges and he told us about the Grape Seed Extract. We rushed to find this wonder medicine and we found after searching many places. You Can Detox Your Body with the Grape Cure and Feel like a Kid Again.

• My wife took grape seed extract for 6-month, two capsules in the morning and two in the evening and it was a miracle cure. My wife got 100% well and her Asthma was completely gone and she is now free of Asthma and Allergy. We did study farther about this natural medicine and discovered that it has many benefits and cures many ailments. I start taking grape seed extract as well. It's all natural and does not have any side affects. You may also know about Resveratrol that recently developed for stop aging purpose. It is also developed from Grape Seed Extract. Resveratrol has same or more effect as grape seed extract.

• The last thing I am going to talk about our mind and body:

Whether you choose YOGA or another form of exercise, you have to keep in mind that our bodies are made to move to feel good and relax. When you develop regular activities in your life you are moving close to overall mind and body fitness. You do not have to take expensive fitness class or go to gym everyday rather you can create your own exercise routine like walking, biking, ply tennis or use treadmill at home for 20 to 30 minutes.

Managing stress is the key to success in mind and body work. High levels of stress have been linked to weight gain by emotional eating and likely to develop many other ailments. Finding activities that are both enjoyable and easy to do is important. I go for yoga every day for 15 minutes at home. Also I frequently get up from my work desk and stretch my body to relax my mind and body. Yoga is wonderful and natural way of relax your mind and body. I also walk for 15 minutes, 5 days a week and after walking I feel great. There are so many yoga practices that you can choose from and every practice has enormous benefit of healing, managing stress and above all controlling your mind and body.

Find More Info Here

http://www.globalmarketplace.yolasite.com/health-and-fitness.php is the preferred alternative site that has valuable sources of information and products that can change your life.

Written by: Dabir A Chowdhury
About the Author

www.globalmarketplace.yolasite.com is the preferred alternative site that has valuable sources of information and products that can change your life.

I enjoy yoga practice; take natural medicine for preventative measure. By profession: I am Windows System Admin and a Web Developer.

Article Source : http://goarticles.com/article/Mind-Body-and-Natural-Medicine/4162342/

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