Everyone knows the frustration of missing days of work. It can lead to a range of things from missed work deadlines, reduced pay to at worst dismissal.
For an employer however, workforce absences can lead to much more than just frustration. Every time a member of staff is off sick it is hours of work that can't be completed, leading to reduced revenue, missed work deadlines and general customer unhappiness that could lead to lost business.
The HSE provides startling statistics citing that the number of days lost in a year amounts to 26.4 million with the average person having around 15 days off in a year. Fifteen days in a year doesn't sound like much, but if you are a company of 30 people then this amount becomes 450 for the whole company, a much more daunting figure.
To try and address this alarming problem, many companies are turning to corporate wellbeing programs. Corporate wellbeing is a term that is being used more and more in recent years and relates to the idea of keeping your workforce on the whole healthier, addressing problems ranging from poor diets to a lack of fitness, with the aim to reduce the number of days a company loses due to sickness saving both money and increasing the workforces' overall morale.
Investing in a corporate wellbeing plan for a business may seem like a large investment, but it can have major benefits for a company, not least reducing lost hours, improving employees overall job satisfaction and increasing the companies appeal to potential workers. In a lot of cases, the benefits of a corporate wellness plan, far out weigh the negatives and is something that is applicable to any company, big or small.
An example of a company specialising in corporate wellbeing is Wellness International who offer a wide range of services aimed at improving a companies overall health.
Wellness International use a variety of methods to analyze a companies workforce, such as health assessments, exercise stress tests, fitness tests and a range of other assessments allowing them to learn about the health of the organization's employees and provide recommendations and advice on how it can be improved.
With locations in Manchester and London, Canary Wharf and experience dealing with a range of different companies such as Adidas and the League Managers Association, Wellness International is the natural choice when selecting the company to ensure your employees wellbeing.
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Article Source: http://goarticles.com/article/Keeping-Your-Workforce-Healthy-Corporate-Wellbeing/7051731/