Kiwi is an unusual fruit, in terms of its appearance, color and taste too. Kiwi or Chinese gooseberry falls in the category of those fruits that are not only delicious but also full of nutrients. If you’re going through a robust health routine and rigorous dieting, including kiwi in your daily meal can surely add up to your health.
The vibrant color of this fruit lures and attracts you while the exotic flavor of it satisfies you to the fullest. The origin of this exotic fruit is said to be china, but as the time passed it traveled across the world to become New Zealand’s National Fruit.
As much interesting as its history is, the nutritional content of it makes it more special and extra ordinary.
There are tons of health benefits of eating these small hen’s egg shaped brown fruit.
Kiwi is a good bulk laxative as it contains a good amount of soluble dietary fibers.
Highly rich in vitamin C, the fruit is very helpful in development of resistance from infectious agents.
Kiwi contains adequate amounts of vitamin-A, vitamin-E, vitamin-K, and various flavonoids. Vitamin-K helps in bone mass building.
As per researchers, there are various chemical substances that act as blood thinner, their function is similar to that of aspirin. Therefore, the fruit helps in prevention of clot formation, eliminating the risks of strokes and heart attack.
Consumption of kiwi eliminates the risks of some fatal diseases such as autism and ADHD.
This oval-shaped fruit is an excellent source of electrolyte, called potassium. Potassium is good for your heart and the fruit fulfills 7% of the daily requirement levels of electrolyte.
Potassium being very important component of the cell and body fluids helps in regulation of blood pressure and heart rate.
Various minerals are embodied in kiwi such as magnesium, iron, copper and manganese, which is used by the body as a co-factor to fight harmful antioxidant enzyme called superoxide dismutase. However, magnesium is a bone-strengthening mineral.
Kiwi is ordinarily good in calories, per 100g of kiwi berry carries 61 calories. Nevertheless, kiwi is full of nutrients, anti-oxidants and vitamins that are essential for a good healthy lifestyle.
This wonder fruit is full of Vitamin C and antioxidants, which can help those who suffer from asthma. The lung function increases with the regular consumption of kiwi fruit. It is also found that eating fresh kiwi fruit decreases the wheezing in children suffering from asthma.
Apart from managing the blood pressure, this fruit helps in reducing the clotting of blood. Two kiwis per day will naturally decrease the risk of clotting of blood. It is also found that fat in the blood is reduced with regular consumption of this fruit.
Vision loss is caused mainly due to Muscular degeneration. Eating kiwis regularly will help in preventing vision loss.
Risks of eating Kiwi fruit
Usually kiwis are considered to be safe. But there are some people who are allergic to the fruit. The major signs of allergy by the consuming kiwi fruit are vomiting, itching of the throat, swelling of the throat and difficulty in swallowing.
But how do you pick a fresh and juicy kiwi?
Well, Kiwis are seasonal, but can be found throughout the year. Season for kiwi starts by September and lasts till November. The best of it is found during the months of August until December.
Ripening raw kiwis can be done by placing the raw kiwis in a plastic bag for 4-6 days with apples, banana or pears, in the refrigerator.
After ripening, the kiwis are short lived and can rot within a few days. Keeping ripen kiwi in the fridge will help them sustain for a longer duration of time.
While buying kiwis from the grocery store, pick them wisely. Avoid those with blemishes or patchy skin, rather go for those having intact skin and feel softer when pressed gently with thumb.
Kiwis are delicious fruit indeed, in order to maximize their taste you can make smoothies, desserts, tarts or simply cut them into pieces and mix with other fruits to prepare a fruit salad. It is always a win-win situation, in case of kiwis.