How We Can Take Care of Health to Live Healthy Life Style?

Dr. Purushothaman
January 20, 2014


To live healthy and fit, we need to take care of our health and we need to eat healthy, do exercises and do some physical fitness exercises. If we live healthy living life very few chances that any diseases will caught you. Our all the body parts are important and we need to take care of us from the different way. Its very difficult to be fit and healthy in this pollution environment so most of people are suffering from the diseases. These diseases can be like cancer, thyroid, diabetes, hair loss, typhoid, eye vision and many others. We need to take care if we are facing any from this, We need to take proper medication and proper rest.
Eye Vision Problem and its Treatment:- Eye is very important part of body and by this we can see other objects and can see whole world things, If our eye sight are going to low then we need to take care and take proper treatment. Bad eye vision can be caused by sun light rays, pollution in environment, Watching T.V from very close and other ultra violet rays which are coming from the sun. Cataract is other eye diseases which can also be caused of bad eye vision because if you have cataract in eyes then it dark circle will cover your eye lens then you will start to see other object cloudy or not clearly. Cataract can be treated by use eye drops or you can use carnosine eye drops which help to remove cataract from eye or Eye Cataract Surgery is the best treatment for it. In natural way you can cover your eyes with the sun glasses when you are going outside, it also help to protect your eyes from sun rays or bad light rays. We should start to eat healthy and we can eat more vitamin A, E and K products which also help to improve our eye vision.
Hair Loss Problem and its Treatment:- Like other diseases hair loss is also the major diseases and we can't ignore it and we need to take treatment for hair loss like we treatment other diseases. Hair loss mainly occur in old age people and was occur mostly in men but Now it faces young age people and most no of women faces now it. Some of the persons ignoring it and at the end they loss their all hair or faces baldness. We can take care if this by eating healthy diet, using natural hair care products and if a person face baldness then hair transplant surgery is best treatment. Most of women use hair transplant therapy treatment after their pregnancy because they loss some of hair during the pregnancy and this is for the temporary but yet they should take care of their hair to get their lost hair back early because it may also the causes of baldness. Hair Transplant cost is very large so people are afraid to use this treatment but for them natural treatment is best and they can use this way. If you are from India then their is many clinic of hair transplant in India where you can go for this treatment.
Diabetes and it solution:- Diabetes is also the diseases which faces most of people now and it can be the result of death for person if you have it and you are ignoring it. In over weight people face this problem most and this should tell you that you should maintain your weight and control on your diet. If you are eating too much sugar food then you have a chances to diabetes so you should avoid to eat more this kind of foods. Diabetes can be control by eating healthy and by using insulin injection or you can also do physical exercises which also help you to control diabetes.
There are many other diseases which people are suffering from it and best way to treat is go to your doctor and as soon as possible go for it treatment. For this first you have to be found your problem and if you feel any problem in your body which give you suffer to live healthy life but you are confused what can be this then you need to visit doctor and ask from him about your problem. But we need to take care of our living style and change our life style to live healthy fit life.
About the Author
I am femo john health specialist and i am going to share this article in which i share how we can live life with stay fit and healthy and how we can fight against diseases.
Eye Cataract Surgery | Hair Transplant Cost | Hair Transplant in India | Diabetic Foot Care

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