How to Get Rich Online

Dr. Purushothaman
September 7, 2013

With over 1.8 billion online users worldwide, you would be crazy not to consider leveraging the Internet to get rich online. 70% of online users jump on the Internet before making a purchase. And there are over 20 million people (just in the United States) who are unemployed. Use this to your advantage. The Internet is a huge market and there is plenty of room for more people to get rich online. Learn how to get rich online if you want to change your future.

First and foremost, if you want to get rich online, you have to learn how to market online. That is the #1 secret to get rich online. Whether you choose to join a mentoring program, or take a class on Internet marketing, or read books on the subject at the library, this should be your first step on your path to making money online.

Once you know how to market online, you can get rich online with anything. You can join an MLM team and rock the house, or you can start an ecommerce site selling products, or market a business opportunity online. The sky is the limit here. You will want to decide which route you want to go first, and don't overwhelm yourself by jumping into a lot of opportunities at first - this step comes later. Unless you choose to join an MLM, you will want to research different niches. There are different thoughts on which niche is the right one, that is a whole other article. After you have your niche, market it like there is no tomorrow. If you choose to market an online business opportunity, consider marketing to real estate agents (they may not be doing so well with the current housing market) or to those on unemployment searching endlessly for a job...

No matter which route you go, the next golden nugget to keep in mind, is that you shouldn't stop there. Once you feel comfortable with your success, whether that's earning $5k a month, or $10k a month of steady online income, branch out. As an Internet "entrepreneur" you should always be on the lookout for additional streams of income online. You won't get rich online with just one method. Say you choose MLM, great now once you are building a steady income and downline, open up an online retail store. Once that is paying for itself, start another web store selling something completely different, then jump into affiliate marketing! Once you know how to market yourself, or a product, or a business online, you really can make money selling anything online.

Whatever opportunity you choose to join first, just make sure you have the passion for it. If you don't, your fire will burn out quickly and you will be discouraged and probably not get back up again "online". Once you are making money and profiting with your first venture, your passion for the niche, product, or opportunity isn't as important. Why? Because you will be seasoned and confident as an online marketer and Internet entrepreneur.

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