How to Deal with Very Needy People?

Dr. Purushothaman
February 2, 2025

The world comprises different types of people and sometimes you have to realize that everyone in this world is not as lucky as you are. Needy people can be found everywhere. They are in constant need of help or some sort of upliftment for their betterment. Sometimes dealing with needy people can be a tricky task. When you help someone needy there needs to be a constant balance between you being supportive and helpful without any undue advantage being taken. In this article, we list some of the ways to deal with very needy people in life. They are as follows;

  • Be Calm

While dealing with someone needy, always maintain your calmness. Do not get frustrated while hearing them because it is not their fault. They are just being themselves and they come up to you thinking you would be helpful to them. So take a deep breath and avoid any sort of hard language with them.

  • Be Helpful  

Being helpful to the needy is the best you can do for them. Try to do whatever you can for them. Do not feel irritated or frustrated because they constantly nudge you for help. By helping, you will keep them shut for some time. Also, you will feel better about yourself for helping someone who is in need instead of ignoring it.

  • Reply 

If someone is constantly texting or calling you for help, you can reply to them that you are busy. The needy people often buzz you day and night as they need help. By replying to them you keep them calm and quiet for some time. It also gives them a sense of peace that you are not ignoring them.

  • Do Not Shy From Saying No

Saying too much “Yes” to needy people can create problems for you. When you realize that you are not capable of helping them beyond a point or helping them at all, you must not shy from saying “No”. Saying no will let them know that they need to approach someone else for help. But always make sure that you give a real reason for not being able to help them.

  • Suggest Other People

When you know that you would not be able to help the needy person, suggest to them the name of another person who can be useful. Tell them you are sorry along with the reason why you cannot help. Even by suggesting someone else you are helping them in some way and not wasting their time.

  • Set the Boundaries

Needy people often cross personal boundaries when they seek your help. They need desperate help and they do not realize that they are crossing the boundaries. By setting boundaries with them you make them aware of the things they can or can’t come to you.

The above-mentioned are some of the ways to deal with needy people in life. At the end of the day, you must remember that everyone is trying to do their best in their lives and so you are too. Do not feel the burden of helping them and let it affect your lifestyle. Do not take the things needy people do personally but focus on what they are communicating about themselves through their actions. If at any point in life you find it hard to deal with needy people, you may get in touch with experts at Living in Wellbeing. They will advise you and help in dealing with such a situation.



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