We are surrounded by a subtle energy-filled world that affects our physical health, mind, emotions, creativity and spirituality. All life forms, including humans, are surrounded by bio-energy fields. And it is through these fields that we interact on a subtle level with each other, with all other living things, and with the Earth itself.
Energy forms the whole body and that the sources so required consist of four - Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual. It is only by dealing with each part of the whole within the whole, that we can have vital and energetic health.
Energy affects every aspect of our lives. The amount of physical energy we have affects our health, vitality, and our ability to handle stress. Our emotional energy affects our moods and the ability to experience feelings alone and with others. The condition of our mental energy affects our ability to think and communicate clearly, as well as our ability to make decisions. And our spiritual energy affects our ability to love, to find meaning, fulfillment in our lives, to motivate and inspire others.
These facts are very interesting because these are certain things we know but don't often think about. With the help of a video of Tony Schwatrz's lecture on "Learning at Google", things held much more clarity. Tony in his words said "You could be a great man and it may or may not have any impact on which you can be a great leader. But you can't be a great leader if you are not a great human being."
A fabulous remark by Tony. It did sound more specific when we use our energy with integrity, it quite naturally leads us to extending our sensitivity and respect to each other; energy is real. Tony made it clear that human beings demand so much with high level of expectation which in turn increases the capacity of one to meet with the demand. For all this, right proportion of energy is required.
Energy is inside every individual which can be renewed via intervention. The mind cannot do multiple tasks, when focused on one subject matter the performance done is much more better than handling too many in one go. Ms.Uma also gave her best views on certain strategies which when well worked upon helps you to balance the energy so required.
Energy-Increasing Strategies
With these points in mind, there were several strategies identified to raise the level of energy:
Increase one's Aspiration
Energy is a product of one's will. One of the most powerful also accomplished, then that surge of energy will sustain itself for ways to generate will is by having an aspiration for something substantial or important to come about. Therefore, if one lacks energy, it is worthwhile to consider some important goals to be accomplished. If one is serious about it coming about, he/she will be energized to no end.
Make the Full, Persevering Effort
Normally, it is believed that energy is finite. For example, if we have to do a work, our energies will be reduced commensurate to the effort. And yet there is another perspective. If we make a full, all out effort in that endeavor, we will tap into a wellspring of energy we never thought you had.
Sometimes we try to do too many things in life. That lack of focus in turn saps our will, which depletes our energies. However, if we focus on several things that are truly important, casting the extraneous or secondary items aside, we not only concentrate our will, producing a surge of energy, but we tend to accomplish so much more. In addition, just by taking that tact, we can attract sudden good fortune. Therefore, it is good to take an inventory of the things we do, and cut back on those that are extraneous and secondary. Not only will we be more productive, but energy will continually surge from within.
Maintain Positive Attitudes; Overcome Negative Ones
It is always best to have a positive attitude in life. It not only helps us maintain a high energy level, but it invariably attracts positive conditions. On the other hand, a negative attitude will have the opposite effect. Worry, anxiety, fear, anger, depression, restlessness, rebelliousness, impatience, unwillingness, etc. not only deplete energies, but attract negative circumstance from the world around us. Therefore, it is best periodically our psychological state to see what we are thinking and feeling. If it is positive, then better to keep it up! However, if our attitudes are negative, we need to stop it in its tracks. Not only will fresh energies well up inside us, but positive conditions will quickly present themselves from out of nowhere.
Hold Back an Opinion
What applies to a negative attitude also applies to an opinion. It is also an energy depleter. What is an opinion? It is a view of things that we tend to assert -- whether it is true or not. It is simply a thought and feeling that we are overly attached to, and are therefore more than happy to express in conversation. Though it is emotionally stimulating and satisfying to verbalize such opinions, our energy level tends to quickly fall off as a result.
Speak Less, Speak Softly
Related to opinions, one of the most powerful ways to generate more energy is to simply speak less. Instead of verbalizing everything that is on our mind, we need to hold back those thoughts, and energy will surge within us. Likewise, if instead of speaking loudly and boisterously, we express ourself in a low, soft voice, it will have a similar effect. This is the case because speech originates in our life center. When we speak too much or too loudly, we deplete the vital energies that originate there. Doing the opposite will not only restore or heighten our energy, but will attract positive conditions from life.
Shift Your Focus to Others
One of the most powerful ways to increase our energy is to shift your focus from our own interests and concerns to those of others. Not only will movements of selflessness, self-givingness, goodness, goodwill, and generosity generate a sense of peace within, and balance and amplifying your energies, but positive conditions will suddenly present themselves. There is no faster way to refresh our energies than by shifting from self-absorption in one's own self-interest to self-givingness towards others.
To conclude, an important take-away :
"If we want to feel truly alive and open to life's opportunities we need to look carefully at our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. We need to identify our shortcomings and make those changes we need so that we are truly vibrating at the highest level and enjoying life to the fullest."