Grief and loss are inevitable parts of life. Nothing can hurt more than losing your loved ones. Grief, later on, is a natural part of the healing process. Dealing with a loss of a person can be one of the toughest times in someone’s life. Some people may find it hard to cope with it and often fall into depression.
The loss of a person can be sudden or predictable. When the loss is predictable due to illness or reasons already known, you are better prepared for life. But the grief related to the anticipated loss can be very painful. On the other hand, there is no way to prepare for a sudden or shocking loss. They can happen due to accidents, crime, etc. Sudden loss completely changes your attitude towards life. You lose the sense of security and predictability of life. You may also go through nightmares, depression, anxiety and other mental problems.
The length of grief is different from person to person. The process of grief should not be rushed and you must be patient with it. Everyone has different reactions to it. Things will get better with time and support. However, you may feel triggered on certain days or occasions which is normal. The best way to overcome grief is to take the support of loved ones and share your feelings.
Does Grief Help to Overcome Loss?
Grief is a process of healing and can be experienced in cycles. The process of grief is like a rollercoaster ride where things may not look good and out of control sometimes, yet you are making the progress. The only way to overcome the loss is to stay with the process of grief and be patient about it. If you feel that you are stuck in grief for a longer period then you may seek the help of a supportive person or a counsellor to make progress with your healing process.
Ways to Cope with Grief
Some of the ways to cope with grief are as follows;
- Listen to music
- Express yourself to family and friends
- Exercise
- Join support group
- Involve in social activities
- Eat healthy and good food
- Read books
- Take the help of a counsellor
- Take spiritual support
- Be patient with yourself
- Give the body good rest
By following the above activities, you may be able to overcome grief in a better and quicker way. Since you have been through the feeling of grief, you can be a support to someone who is suffering from the pain of loss. Some of the ways through which you can support people experiencing loss are as follows;
- Always be available to them
- Keep asking about their feelings
- Spend time with them
- Allow them to feel sad
- Be a good listener
- Make conversations on the phone call
- Understand their pain
- Talk about their life
The above-mentioned are some of the ways through which you can act as a support system to those who are experiencing loss and grief. These emotions are part of life. Life is uncertain and all of us have to live with this fact. There would be a moment of loss and grief in everyone’s life. The sooner we overcome it, the better it is. If at any point in life you are going through grief, you can get in touch with counsellors of Living in Wellbeing. Our experts will indulge in inspirational and motivational talks that will help you in overcoming the emotion of grief.