Effects Of Stress On Your Health - What You Need To Know?

Dr. Purushothaman
January 17, 2014


The physical symptoms of stress are experienced by around 77% while the psychological symptoms are experienced by around 73% Americans. Not only this, but there are many long- term and serious effects of stress on our health. Stress is such a health condition which every one of us will experience one or the other time in the life.
Workplace tension, financial worries, chronic health problems such as diabetes or obesity and relationship or family matters are some of the foremost reasons of stress. Stress has many long -term and short- term effects on our health. Before looking at these effects, let's have a glance at some facts and statistics about the same.
Some facts about health effects of stress:

Around forty-three percent of all adults grieve adverse health effects from stress.

Stress can directly or indirectly cause problems such as heart problems, high blood pressure, diabetes, skin problems, headaches, asthma, depression, arthritis and anxiety.

75% to 90% of doctor's visits are for stress-related complaints.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) categorize stress as a workplace hazard which annually costs more than $300 billion to American industries.

The lifetime prevalence of stress is more than 50% often due to chronic and untreated stress reactions.

These figures are very important to look and will give you a rough idea about the seriousness of actual health effects. Stress increases the specific hormone levels in the body including cortisol and adrenaline which can impact the overall hormone system of the body.
Below are some important health effects of stress on your health:
Due to stress, you may be at an increased risk of some chronic health conditions which include depression, anxiety, weight gain, heart disease, digestive problems, sleep disorders, arthritis and memory impairment.

It has been found in one study that children who are stressed may have body cells which are not matured properly. This condition is called as premature aging.

Stressful conditions can shrink the brain and reduces the gray matter of the brain which is involved in the emotional and psychological functioning.

Stress can affect the genes of the offspring and may carry health problems from generation to generation.

The U.S. National Institute on Mental Health conducted research that shows that people with stress may develop the symptoms of depression. Individuals in this study showed lost interest for their favorite activities such as swimming and even took more time to eat as compared to early conditions.

Those who are have cancer and are under a treatment for the same, for them stress can affect the results of the treatment.
Managing stress is of utmost importance to avoid all these health issues. If you don't seek an early treatment, it will keep on deteriorating your health.


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