How To Comfort Somebody From Grief & Suffering?

Dr. Purushothaman
August 25, 2024

Life is full of ups and downs. Sometimes the world seems to be a happy place and sometimes it is all dark. During difficult or tragic times, it is important to get over the grief as soon as possible. When we see our family members or friends suffering from tragedy or loss, the least we can do is to give them comfort and make them feel better. Even our small gestures can mean a lot to them in such a situation.

In this article, we list down some ways that you can follow to comfort your loved ones during a tragedy or loss.

Ways to Comfort People in Grief

  • Offer Hope and Support

People going through grief always remember the person who supports them and offers them hope in such a situation. Acknowledge what the people are going through and offer them hope that things will be fine. Remember that giving them false hope is not a good idea. Keep things real, understand their pain and offer them the confidence that they will be able to overcome it.

  • Reach Them

During the time of grief, reaching the sufferer is the best you can do. Call them or visit their place. This is the time when your friends or relatives would need you the most. Check them now and then by just saying hello. During such times other people may stop calling them, you can break the chain by reaching them and taking the initiative.

  • Have Meals With Them

When your loved ones are in distress, you can accompany them in their meals. Assist them in cooking and help them in getting their groceries. Such small gestures help them in getting accustomed to life after the tragedy and make them feel better.

  • Listen More, Advise Less

When you are going to meet someone who needs your sympathy it is always good to listen more and advise less. People who are in grief or trauma feel better when they share their stories with others. Be their sympathetic ear and advise them only if they ask for it. People going through rough phases need someone to listen to them and you can be of great help by doing so.

  • Avoid Asking “How Are You”

When you meet someone who is going through a trauma, asking “how are you” is surely not a good idea. Of course, they are not good. When you ask such silly questions, it gives a sense that you are not acknowledging their loss. It’s better to ask ‘how do you feel now’ especially today.

Stay Close

When people are in trauma they need constant support. Be present with them whenever possible. Loss and tragedy often bring thoughts and emotions in people that are harmful or self-destructing in nature. Keep a caring eye on them and assist your loved ones with appropriate help whenever they need them.

The above mentioned are some of the ways to comfort people who have suffered a tragedy or loss. When you are going through turbulent times, you know the importance of support. Become that support to your loved ones in their tough times. If at any point in time, you need any assistance regarding any mental healing, you may get in touch with Living In Wellbeing’s expert counsellors.


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