Despite the different religions we have, every religion acknowledges the importance of prayer. Prayer is very powerful. It is a nerve that move's the hand of the Almighty God to begin to intervene in our situations and daily lives. He is the only powerful to whom we can ask help during our hardships and give thanks to all the blessings we have received.
Prayers are very important because they have the ability to transform lives. When we pray, it is a sign of acknowledging God that He is the only source for our being and dependence. People who do not pray, do not really depend on God, they depend only on their own abilities but not His abilities. Knowing how to pray, then becomes very vital.
Daily prayers are the best way for us to have communication with God. It is very important for us to pray everyday because it provides us the opportunity to express our gratitude and thankfulness in everything He provides. Prayer or staying in an attitude of prayer helps us to overcome our sins and live a life that is victorious. When we pray and trusting God to move in our situation, we should never loose heart. We should keep praying, pray without ceasing, for there is nothing that is too hard or difficult for our to God to do. God has done so much for us. He has accomplished great things on our behalf and what we can do to extend our gratitude is through prayer.
Prayer offers a lot of advantages. Daily prayers provide us the opportunity to share everything with God and gives us the opportunity to extend our gratitude in everything He does for today and the days ahead. It is through prayer that we have the opportunity to confess our sins and ask for strength and guidance to overcome our sinful nature. Prayers are not only the way of extending our gratitude and confessing our sins, but also an act of worship as well. Through prayers, we find liberty and becomes unchained from the life of sin and wrong deeds.
Prayers as our daily devotion will help us a lot to let our God enter our lives on a daily basis. Trusting our God simply means that we truly love, obey and trust Him. We are called as believers but sometimes we become unbelieving believers. Sometimes we often trust our friends, stock market and the government than we trust God's Word. God wants us to put Him first in our lives and place our confidence in man. Man can always fail us, but God always remain faithful. We should learn to trust Him than we trust ourselves because He is the only person that knows everything about our lives and our future.
Understand that we are in spiritual warfare. The battle is raging for our souls. And the only victory we have is the precious blood of the lamb. The blood of Jesus Christ our Lord. For us to be free from the rulers of darkness and spiritual wickedness, daily devotion will help us stay victorious over the spirits of wickedness. There are malevolent spirits who direct their diabolical activities against us. They put obstacles in the way of our spiritual progress. They are responsible for spiritual blindness, ignorance and unbelief. They seek to hinder us from being prosperous and fruitful. They try to weaken our hands and render us ineffective in the service of God's Kingdom.
Check this link out: http://www.amazon.com/Daily-Devotions-Powerful-Prayers-Transform-ebook/dp/B00L4ETP6G/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=undefined&sr=1-1&keywords=B00L4ETP6G%2C+how+to+pray
About the Author
I am currently living in California, where I work as a director helping businesses maximize their profit. When I’m not working I like to read, watch discovery channel and very often jog or walk and do gardening.
Article Source : <a href="http://goarticles.com/article/Daily-Devotions-How-to-Pray-Powerful-Prayers-That-Will-Transform-Your-Life/9430851/">http://goarticles.com/article/Daily-Devotions-How-to-Pray-Powerful-Prayers-That-Will-Transform-Your-Life/9430851/</a>