Brainstorming works by focusing on a problem, and then intentionally coming up with as many answers as possible and by pushing the ideas as far as possible. One of the reasons it is so good is that the brainstormers not only come up with new thoughts in a sitting, but also spark off from associations with other people's ideas by growing and polishing them.
Brainstorming with a group of people is a strong technique. Brainstorming creates new ideas, solves problems, motivates and develops teams. Brainstorming motivates because it involves members of a team in larger direction issues, and it gets a team working in concert. However, brainstorming is not just a haphazard activity. Brainstorming requires to be structured and it follows brainstorming rules. The brainstorming process is described below, for which you will need a flip-chart or alternative. This is crucial as Brainstorming needs to involve the team, which means that everyone must be capable to see what's happening. Brainstorming places a substantial burden on the facilitator to manage the process, people's engagement and sensitivities, and then to manage the follow up actions. Use Brainstorming well and you will see brilliant results in improving the organization, performance, and growing the team.
Most problems are not solved automatically by the first idea that comes to mind. To get to the greatest solution it is important to consider many possible solutions. One of the best ways to do this is called brainstorming. Brainstorming is the act of defining a problem or thought and coming up anything associated to the topic - no matter how remote a suggestion may sound. All of these ideas are recorded and measured just after the brainstorming is completed.
Applied with your team, it helps you bring the various experience of all team members into play during problem solving. This increases the fullness of ideas explored, meaning that you can find improved solutions to the troubles you face.
It can also help you get buy in from team members for the solution chosen - after all, they were involved in growing it. What's more, because brainstorming is fun, it assists team members bond with one-another as they solve problems in a positive, reinforcing environment
A brainstorming session requires a facilitator, a brainstorming place and something on which to save ideas, such as a white-board a flip chart or software tool. The facilitator's duties take on guiding the session, boosting involvement and saving ideas down.
Brainstorming works best with a versatile group of people. Participants should come from various departments across the organisation and have different backgrounds. Even in specialist fields, outsiders can bring fresh ideas that can inspire the experts.
There are numerous approaches to brainstorming, but the traditional approach is generally the most effective because it is the most energetic and openly cooperative, allowing participants to build on each others' thoughts.
Creative Thinking exercises, relaxation exercises or other fun activities before the sitting can help participants relax their minds so that they will be more creative during the brainstorming session.
While some research has found brainstorming to be inefficient, this appears more of a problem with the research itself than with the brainstorming tool (Isaksen, 1998).
Brainstorming combines a relaxed, informal approach to problem-solving with lateral thinking. It asks that individuals come up with ideas and thoughts that can at first appear to be a bit odd.
About the Author
Brain and self-help virtuoso Fredrik Toradottir has spent numerous years perfecting the best techniques considering the brain. Sharing the knowledge with individuals who want to better the quality of their lives and inner peace to live an overall happier life. Now he is telling how Brainstorming can help you come up with resolutions and ideas when you feel that don't even know where to begin.
Article Source : http://goarticles.com/article/Brainstorming-and-thought-creation/5447847/
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