Health is a very important part of our life. What is healthy living? A healthy living is a life which includes a balance between physical health and mental health, which can be simply achieved by investing time in regular exercise. Our health can be improved with a balanced diet and proper exercise. Regular exercise can improve your sleep quality, and energy level. Few benefits of regular exercise are
1. Reduce stress
One of the best benefits of regular exercise is that it reduces the stress. Everybody wants to be happy for which we all needs to reduce the stress. Even a simple walk can reduce your whole day tension and stress. Exercise also increases concentrations of norepinephrine, a chemical that can moderate the brain’s response to stress.
2. Boost happy chemicals
It seems little impractical, but yes regular exercise can increase the chemicals which will cause happiness in your mind. Endorphins are released by doing exercise which creates the feeling of happiness. Due to this reason many doctors recommend regular exercise to their clinically depressed patients.
3. Reduce your risk of heart disease naturally
Many people nowadays are having the heart-related disease. We can reduce the risk of getting heart-related disease simply by doing basic exercise on a regular basis.
4. Sleep well
In present time sleepless nights and drowsy days are very common in youth. If you cannot sleep then instead of taking sleeping pills you can just start a proper schedule of exercise. If you follow that in a few days your sleeping problem will be resolved. It should be noted that this will not be quick but the effect of this will be permanent.
Recommended exercises
If you are a normal person who is not an athlete or serious exercise, then you just can do simple basic exercises at the gym. These can be treadmills, stationary bikes, etc., but if you cannot go to the gym due to your busy schedule, then you can do simple pushups, jumping jacks etc. Following are the few basic recommended exercise tips to be healthy.
1. Swimming
Swimming is the best exercise; the water supports your body and takes the strain off painful joints so that you can move them more fluidly. Swimming also helps in improving the mental state.
2. Strength training
It is not necessary that strength training is only a macho, brawny activity. This technique of exercise can be used by a normal layman. This will help in burning calories and maintain weight. Before starting it, one must take its proper training. Once you start it with proper training you should keep on changing its weights and better results for all.
3. Walking
One of the basic exercises is walking. It is very simple, but very powerful. This exercise improves cholesterol levels, and keeps blood pressure in check. If you want to stay trim, then walking is the best exercise for you. It also lifts your mood and reduces the risk of many diseases.