99 Beautiful Names & Benefits
(Collected and Compiled by Dr. Purushothaman)
1. Allah (The Name of Allah)
If the name of Allah is recited 1000 times daily, the ignorance, doubts and uncertainties will be removed from the mind and faith & determination will be bestowed upon.
2. Ar-Rahmaan (The compassionate)
If this name repeated 100 times daily after routine prayer, hard –heartedness and negligence will be removed from your heart.
3. Ar-Raheem (The Most Merciful)
If this name is recited 100 times daily after every prayer, Allah will protect you from sufferings and miseries.
4. Al-Malik (The Sovereign)
If one recites this name of Allah after the mid day prayer, Allah will give abundant wealth.
5. Al-Quddoos (The Most Holy)
If you continuously recite this name of Allah, you will be free from all spiritual problems and obstacles.
6. Al-Salaam (The Bestower of Peace)
By repeating this name frequently, you will be safeguarded from maladies and problems in life. After reciting this name for 115 times, and blow over a sick person, he will be cured.
7. Al-Mu’min (The Granter of Security)
If this name is repeated loudly 630 times, all your fear and mental confusions will be vanished immediately.
8. Al-Muhaymin (The Protector)
Repeatation of this name of Allah 115 times purifies you physically and mentally.
9. Al-‘Azeez (The Mighty)
Reciting this name of Allah 40 times daily for 40 days will bestow upon you honour and self-sufficiency.
10. Al-Jabbaar (The Compeller)
If you repeat this name of Allah 226 time morning and evening daily, you will be protected from enemies.
11. Al-Mutakabbir (The Majestic)
Continuous repetition of this name of Allah, gives you greatness and honour in life.
12. Al-Khaliq (The Creator)
If you recite this name of Allah 100 times for 7 days, you will be protected from all setbacks and adversities.
13. Al-Baari’ (The Maker)
Before conception, if a women fasts for 7 days and repeats this name of Allah, she will get a male child.
14. AlMusawwir (The Fashioner of Forms)
Before pregnancy, if a woman recites this name for 7 days along with fasting, she will definitely give birth to a male child.
15. Al-Ghaffar (The Forgiver)
If a person is repeating this name 100 times after the daily prayers, he will be free from all his sins and will be forgiven forever.
16. |Al-Qahhaar (The Subduer)
If one is reciting this name of Allah, that person will be freed from all the bondages in this World and Allah will be presented in his heart.
17. Al-Wahhaab (The Bestower)
The continuous reciting of this name of Allah will free you from all poverty and miseries and will bestow upon with abundant wealth.
18. Ar-Razzaaq (The Provider)
Before starting the daily prayer, recite this prayer from the four corners of your room, Allah will eradicate poverty and sickness from your house.
19. Al-Fattaah (The Opener)
Reciting this name of Allah for 70 time after keeping your both hands on your bosom, the power and light of God will appear in your heart.
20. Al-‘Aleem (The All-knowing)
If one is chanting this beautiful name of Allah repeatedly, you will be illuminated with vision and wisdom and great Intuition.
21. Al-Qaabid (The Withholder)
If you are writing this name on bread daily for 4 days and eat it, your hunger, thirst and other unnecessary cravings will be diminished.
22. Al-Baasit (The Expander)
If one is reciting this name of Allah 10 times daily lifting your hands to the sky, you will be granted with everything you want in life.
23. Al-Khaafid (The Abaser)
Reciting this name of Allah for 500 times eradicates all the difficulties in life. If fasting on the 4th day, all enemies will be destroyed.
24. Ar-Raffi’ (The Exalter)
On the 14th night of every lunar month, if this name of Allah is recited with devotion, you will attain Self-sufficiency and freedom in life.
25. Al-Mu’iz (The Bestower of Honor)
On every Monday and Friday, after the daily prayers if this beautiful name of Allah is recited 40 times with faith, you will be blessed with full honour.
26. Al-Mudhil (The Humiliator)
You will be protected from the evil spirits, enemies and other negative forces, if this beautiful name of Allah in recited 75 times after your daily prayers.
27. As-Sami’ (The All – Hearing)
The special reciting of this name of Allah 500 times of 50 times on every Thursday after chast prayer, on an empty stomach, definitely you will get the special blessings of Allah.
28. Al-Baseer (The All – Seeing)
Repeating for 100 times this name of Allah after routine prayer will give you improved eye sight and your inner heart will be illuminated with light.
29. Al-Hakam (The Judge)
Recitation of this powerful name of Allah 59 times in late right with full devotion and faith, you will be blessed with the supreme power of Allah.
30. Al-‘Adl (The Just)
If this name of Allah is written on 20 pieces of bread with the tip of your finger on the Jumma day or night and then eat it, the whole creation will be under your control.
31. Al-Lateef (The Most Affectionate, The knower of Subtleties)
If this name of Allah in repeated 133 times daily, you will be free from all miseries in life and will experience and enjoy full abundance.
32. Al-Khabeer (The All –Aware)
The hidden secrets of life and creation will be revealed to you, if this name of Allah is recited continuously for 7 days.
33. Al-Haleem (The Forbearing)
After writing this name of Allah on a paper and soaking in water, and then rub water on anything and then the power of Allah will be imparted and you will be protected.
34. Al-Azeem (The Magnificent)
The continuous recitation of this special name of Allah will grand your all the honour and dignity in life.
35. Al-Ghafoor (The Forgiving)
All your sufferings will be removed and you will be blessed with everything you want, if this name of Allah is repeated always.
36. Ash-Shakoor (The Grateful)
If this name is recited 41 times in any difficult situation whatsoever, it will be removed for ever and you will get all the help and support.
37. Al-Aliyy (The Highest)
The continuous recitation and writing this name on a paper or card and keeping it always with you will fulfil all your desires and needs immediately.
38. Al-Kabeer (The Greatest)
If this wonderful name in recited 1000 times daily with fasting, your lost job position and properties will be regained immediately.
39. Al-Hafeez (The Preserver)
To be free from all miseries and hardships in life, constantly recite and keep a written copy of this name of Allah.
40. Al-Muqeet (The Sustainer)
If this name of Allah in recited 7 times and blown into a bowl of water and if you drink the same and give it another person or if that person takes a deep breath from the same, your desires will be fulfilled.
41. Al-Haseeb (The Reckoner)
If this name is recited, starting from Thursday for 8 days 70 times morning and 70 times evening, you will be protected from evil spirits and trouble making persons.
42. Al-Jaleel (The Exalted)
You will be honoured and respected very high if you write this name in a small paper or card and keep in your pocket and carry with you, wherever go.
43. Al-Kareem (The Generous)
Reciting this powerful name continuously before sleep and then you fall asleep, you will get the respect and approval of very important persons.
44. Ar-Raqeeb (The Watchful)
Yourself, your family and wealth will be protected from destruction and other loss by simply reciting this name 7 times every day and blow on your family.
45. Al- Mujeeb (The Responsive)
By the constant repetition of this name, you will receive everything that your want in life.
46. Al-Waasi’ (The All-Encompassing)
For fulfilling your spiritual and material needs, you have to recite this name of Allah always.
47. Al-Hakeem (The Wise)
You will get all the knowledge and wisdom in life, by continuously respecting this beneficial and beautiful name of Allah.
48. Al-Wadood (The Most Living)
If this name of Allah is repeated 1000 times and blow on food, and if it is consumed with your spouse, all family conflicts will be removed and long lasting love and affection will be present in family life.
49. Al- Majeed (The Most Glorious)
Those who suffer from life – threatening diseases, fast on the 13th and 14th day of lunar month and after braking the fast recite this name of Allah and blow on water and drink it, you will be cured of the diseases.
50. Al-Baa’ith (The Resurrector)
After placing both hands on your bosom and if this name of Allah is repeated 101 times at bed time, you will experience full knowledge and wisdom.
51. Ash-Shaheed (The Witness)
Repeat this name of Allah for 21 times after placing both hands on the forehead of your disobedient family members, they will became obedient immediately.
52. Al-Haqq (The Truth)
When a family member is missing or if your precious possessions are stolen, after writing this name of Allah on the 4 corners of a square paper, place it in your palms and lift upwards and make Du’a. Soon the missing person will come back and the stolen goods will be obtained back.
53. Al-Wakeel (The Trustee)
For protection from any natural calamities, you can recite this name of Allah and all your fear and uncertainty will disappear.
54. Al-Qawiyy (The Most Strong)
When you are really opposed or victimized unnecessarily by another person, if you recite this name counter acting the oppressor, you will be fully protected by Allah.
55. Al-Mateen (The Firm)
When a feeding mother’s breast is not having milk if after writing this name of a paper, soak in water and if she drinks it, she will start producing enough milk.
56. Al-Waliyy (The Patron)
Repeating this name of Allah in front of your ill behaved wife, will make her a good person very soon.
57. Al-Hameed (The Praiseworthy)
If this name of Allah recited in seclusion for 93 times for 45 days continuously, you can eradicate your bad habits, and you will become a good person.
58. Al-Muhsee (The Reckoner)
If this name of Allah is repeated 70 times daily and blow on 20 pieces of bread and eat it, all the universal secrets will be revealed to you.
59. Al-Mubdi (The Originator)
After placing your both hands on the abdomen of your pregnant wife, and if this name of Allah is repeated 99 times at the time of sehri, she will not have abortion or give birth to a premature child.
60. Al-Mu’eed (The Restorer)
In case of family member missing, it this name of Allah is recited 70 times standing in all 4 corners of your house at night, when everybody is sleeping, that person will come back within a week.
61. Al-Muhyee (The Giver of Life)
If this name of Allah is recited repeatedly and blow on a sick person, he will be restored perfect health.
62. Al-Mumeet (The Giver of Death)
Placing both hands on your bosom and if this name of Allah is recited before going to seep, Allah will give you full self control and self confidence.
63. Al-Hayy (The Ever-Living)
Recitation of this powerful and beautiful name of Allah daily will cure you of all incurable diseases and give you perfect health.
64. Al-Qayyoom (The self –subsisting Sustainer of All)
If a person is reacting this name constantly, he will be gifted with absolute health, wealth, fame and all the Blessings.
65. Al-Waajid (The Finder)
While taking food, if a person is reacting this powerful name of Allah, he will be illuminated with inner strength, vigor, vitality and light.
66. Al-Maajid (The Glorious)
Constant repetition of this name of Allah will make the person euphoric, exhilarated and he will enjoy full spiritual energy and strength.
67. Al-Waahid/ Al-Ahad (The One)
After writing this name in a paper or plain card and if it is kept with you always, you will fulfill all your desires very quickly.
68. Al-Samad (The Eternally Besought)
The reciting of this name of Allah 115 times after placing your head in Sajdah at the time of sehri, you will be blessed) with everything in life.
69. Al-Qaadir (The Omnipotent)
After your daily prayers, if this name of Allah is recited 100 times, you will be freed from all enmity and disgrace from others.
70. Al-Muqtadir (The Powerful)
Everyday after walking up, if this name of Allah is recited 20 times, you can do everything very excellently and successfully.
71. Al-Muqaddim (The Expediter)
Reciting this name of Allah continuously will give you all the power and courage to face any difficult problem in life.
72. Al-Mu’akhkhir (The Delayer)
Continuous repetition of this name of Allah will make you dearer to the Almighty Allah
73. Al-Awwal (The First)
If you desire to have a male child, you can repeat this name of Allah 40 times every day for 40 days before conception, Allah will fulfill your desire.
74. Al-Aakhir (The Last)
Your heart and Mind will be filled total love and blessings of Allah, if you recite this name of Allah 1000 times daily.
75. Al-Zaahir (The Manifest)
If this very powerful name of Allah in recited for 500 times after daily prayers, your heart and eyes will be filled with supreme light (Noor)
76. Al-Baatin (The Hidden)
Daily recitation of this name for 33 times, will reveal the secrets of Allah to you and your love and relationship with Allah will increase very much.
77. Al-Waalee (The Governor)
Continuous recitation of this name of Allah will protect you from all difficulties and miseries. If an earthen or clay cap, inscribed with this name is filled with water, and if that water is sprinkled around your house, no calamities will occur to your house.
78. Al-Muta’aalee (The Most Exalted)
The practice of reciting this name of Allah continuously will free you from all your personal problems.
79. Al-Baar (The Source of All Goodness)
The daily recitation of this name of Allah will remove all the bad habits including intoxication and adulatory and you will become a very nice and better person.
80. Al- Tawwaab (The Acceptor of Repentance)
The daily recitation of this name 360 times will give you all the support and guidance from Allah and you will become a highly illuminated person.
81. Al-Muntaqim (The Avenger)
In case you are unable to execute a genuine revenge to a strong enemy, reciting this name of Allah continuously for 3 Fridays, Allah himself will do the same for you.
82. Al-Afuww (The Pardoner)
All your sins and pit falls will be forgiven by Allah, if this name is recited continuously.
83. Al-Ra’oof (The Most Kind)
If this name of Allah in repeated continuously, you will get the love, affection and consideration of all persons.
84. Al-Maalik-ul-Mulk (The Owner of Sovereignty)
Sincere and continuous recitation of this name of Allah, bestow upon you absolute health, wealth, abundance and freedom in life.
85. Al-Dhul-Jalaali Wal-Kraam (Magestic and Benevolent)
You will be offered Self-sufficiency, dignity, position, power and honour, if this name of Allah in recited continuously.
86. Al-Muqsit (The Just)
The constant repletion of this name of Allah will safeguard you from all evil spirits and negative thoughts.
87. Al-Jaami (The Gatherer)
In order to bring back your scattered family members and other quarrelling relatives together, look in to the sky (Heaven) open your both hands upwards, close each finger of your hand and then recite this name for 10 times (each separately) Allah will bring back everything to harmony and normalcy.
88. Al-Ghaniyy (The Self-Sufficient)
You will become a self –sufficient man in all aspects of your life, if you recite this name of Allah 70 times daily. It will completely remove your physical, mental and spiritual problems.
89. Al-Mughnee (The Enricher)
After reciting Darood 11 times, repeat this name of Allah 1111 times, then again Darood 11 times, and then Surah 73 times, you will be granted all material and spiritual wealth.
90. Al-Maani (The Preventer of Harm)
While lying in a bed, reciting this name of Allah 20 times will resolve and settle all your family problems and the conflict between you and your house will be removed and you will live in extreme love and affection always.
91. Al-Daar (The Distresser)
Reciting this name of Allah 100 times on Friday will protect you from all physical and mental problems.
92. An-Na’fi (The Propitious)
Allah will protect you from all hazards and hindrances in any journey, if you recite it before starting. Recitation of this name for 41 times will result in full success in any task in life.
93. An-Noor (The Light)
Absolute Light and knowledge will appear in your heart, if this name is repeated 1001 times.
94. Al-Haadee (The Guide)
Allah will grant you proper guidance and support by pious and efficient persons, if you recite this name of Allah by raising both hands up wards, looking to sky (Heaven) several times and then bringing both hands on your face.
95. Al-Badee (The Originator)
To get freedom from all miseries and troubles and severe grief, recite this name 1000 times, it is definite that Allah will help you in always immediately. Before starting a new taste, start reciting this name for absolute success.
96. Al-Baaqee (The Everlasting)
You will be fully protected, and you will be approved, if this name of Allah is repeated 1000 times on Friday night.
97. Al-Waarith (The Ultimate Inheritor)
Recitation of this name of Allah 100 times at sunrise will safe guard you from hardships, calamities and sorrows and at the time your death, you will be in the status of a believer in God.
98. Al-Rasheed (The Guide to the Right Path)
Where there is uncertainty and confusion before starting any task in life, if you recite this name of Allah 1000 times, the solution and direction will appear to you in a dreams or by intuition.
99. Al-Saboor (The Patient One)
Recitation of this name of Allah 100 times before sunrise daily, will make all your daily activities very successful effortless and easy. In case of any difficult problems in life, reciting this name 1020 times, will clear everything and you will achieve everything.
Let all of us start praying to Allah daily, especially all these different names in difficult situations and make our life, happy, comfortable and highly successful.