Hyperthyroidism is alternatively recognized as an overactive thyroid gland. Essentially, it is a condition when the thyroxine hormone is exceptionally generated by the thyroid gland within the body. The corresponding condition will actually disturb the metabolism of body. It is known that Thyroid is basically a gland located within the front portion of our neck which controls metabolism. It also controls the normal function of the body, like converting food intake into energy. Besides, Overactive thyroid gland is known to happen to women as compared to men. It can occur in women of any age group, hence healthy living tips for women should be followed. However, the condition is generally found among women of age 20-40 years old.
Listed below are the 22 Symptoms of Hyperthyroid:
Extreme sweat and sensitive to hot temperature
Getting anxious
Rapid mood changes
Fast weight loss
The thyroid gland is turning larger which activates the neck inflammation
Fast heartbeat
Shivering or quick and uncontrollable heartbeat.
Muscle twitching
Warm and wet skin
Rashes on the skin
Tremor, generally in hands and fingers
Reddening of the palm
Irregular loosing hair
The urge of sexual activity decreases
Ill temper and getting emotional
Insomnia or sleeplessness
Hyperactive, difficult to stay calm and to feel about losing sleep
The alteration in menstrual cycle as it becomes irregular, short or can even stop at once
Repeated urination and stools
Weak muscles
For patients having, hyperthyroid can let the patients feel thirsty and fatigue in less time
What are the 5 Conditions leading to Hyperthyroid?
If you want to live the positive healthy lifestyle, while suffering from Hyperthyroid, you need to be cautious of this condition. The condition is basically an inflammation of your thyroid gland. It is caused due to a virus or bacterial infection. This condition is such that it would break thyroid gland. The consequence is there is a thyroxine hormone leak which ultimately leads to hyperthyroid.
Drug Side Effect
In order to generate thyroxine hormone, the thyroid gland requires iodine inside the food. It is known that Iodine can boost the generation of thyroxine hormone. Whenever you consume iodine supplements, the amount of thyroxine hormone increases in excess. This leads to hyperthyroid.
Nodules Thyroid
Nodules are basically a lump created in the thyroid gland. However, the cause of the lump is still unknown. It is not hazardous, and it would not lead to cancer, but nodules comprise an abnormal thyroid tissue hence leading to hyperthyroid.
Thyroid Cancer
Based on scientific findings, it is found that Thyroid cancer is a rare disease. When the thyroid cancer begins from follicles thyroid tissue, and when cancer cells have generated several thyroid hormones you will suffer hyperthyroid.
Graves Disease
This condition has the capability to change your healthy lifestyle. It is known that hyperthyroid is mostly caused by Graves disease. In this condition, the patient suffers abnormality in their autoimmune. The condition is regarded as an inherited disease which can happen to women of any age group, typically women of age 20-40 years old. This disease has the capability to attack the thyroid gland that helps in the production of the thyroid hormones. Women who smoke have more chances to attain Graves disease and this can ultimately lead to hyperthyroid. Those women with the autoimmune diseases such as type 1 diabetes as well as Addison disease are prone to suffer from hyperthyroid.
Tests for detecting Hyperthyroid
There are two kinds of tests for diagnosing Hyperthyroid. They are the Thyroid Function Test and the Thyroid Isotope Test. To know about the level of thyroid stimulating hormone as well as the level of the hormones produced with the help of thyroid gland namely triiodotironin and thyroxine hormone, we can conduct the Thyroid function test. The blood is checked for this test. Thyroid Isotopes Test is taken soon after diagnosing of the hyperthyroid. The main purpose of this test is to understand the condition that creates the thyroid gland to act in an excessive manner. For conducting this test, the person is given a radioactive substance or an isotope in a liquid or capsule for to be swallowed. If the thyroid gland absorbs the isotope in a low level, then the person is suffering from thyroiditis (the inflammation of the thyroid gland), thyroid cancer or excess intake of iodine. If the isotopes are absorbed in a high level, then the main reason for hyperthyroid are Graves disease or Nodules thyroid.