What You Need To Know For Happiness

Dr. Purushothaman
January 18, 2014


Everybody of us wants to be happy. Happiness is primary goal of our life. We all want to be happy but we do not know how to go for it. Whenever we think about happiness [http://aboutlovelifehappiness.blogspot.com/2010/09/about-happiness-being-happy-meaning-of.html] many questions come in our mind like what I should do to become happy. Many of us even do not know whether they are happy or not. Sometimes we think we are happy and other time think that they are not. So though everyone wants to be happy, few know how to go about it. So what we need to be happy?
Well for being happy we need to plan first. Anything we want to achieve we need to plan for it, happiness is not different. If you plan for your career and any other thing you should plan for happiness too. Success in any field could not be achieved unless we plan. Happiness will not come to us by itself but we need to work for it. Any work done in wrong direction or of insufficient magnitude will also not bring success so plan for happiness too. Know I am going to help you in it. I will tell you how to get about it and How to take first step and all next steps. So, if you are serious about your life read on.
For to be happy you need to find answers of some questions. If you find answers to these questions which I am going to present here then you will be happy. This is planning for happiness. So simple just find answers to these questions and be happy for life. First question is you should know the meaning of happiness. If you do not know answer of important questions like meaning of happiness how you expect it comes to you. So first be clear what happiness is. What it means to be happy. Now second question to be asked and answered is what is relation between money and happiness? How much money is sufficient for being happy? Next question you should find answer to is that what is relation between love and happiness? Finally you should know how to be happy in present. If you get answers to these questions you will be happy always. How to find answers?
Finding answers will take some time but it is worth that, read some good books and some good blogs about happiness. Note it! Only good books and good blogs which touch your heart and give you simple and practical answers are worth reading. Do not read books or blogs which talk about serious philosophy or impractical ways. If you want to be happy your approach should be practical and realistic. You can also keep some good being happy quotes handy.

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