Unlocking The Power Of Your Mind

Dr. Purushothaman
January 15, 2014


The might of the human mind is something that thrills the whole world still today. So much as been found out about it but we still have to know so much. The eighties saw so many anti drug slogans and commercials and some were pretty interesting. One such slogan which said 'The mind is a terrible thing to waste' mainly wanted to touch the hearts of those who suffered from drug addiction. However in present times the idea behind the slogan still finds a place.
In reality wasting the power of the mind should not be patronized in any way. It is actually invaluable and in reality we can use this immense power source to improve our lives in a big way. We can put this to good use and achieve whatever we need or desire in life.
The world was struck by the concept of the power of the mind after the book named The Secret and the movie named on the same reached the market. The people became aware of the Laws of Attraction and its utility in our lives. The Laws of Attraction showed that the thoughts of an individual is very important since the thoughts only attract the things that we desire for and those which will make our lives better in the long run.
The main point is that your mind will manifest whatever you think about. What most people don't realize is that this happens whether you actively make it happen or not. So start to use the power of mind consciously and choose the life you want!
In a way, you can see this effect of mind power at work in clinical trials where it is known as the placebo effect. It's all about mind over matter. When you think about something; rather, when you believe in something, the power of the mind can make it happen.
Undoubtedly you have seen people 'think' themselves sick, and you have seen them 'think' themselves well. Our mind power is incredible.
There may be another instance of this theory. We may find that sometime when we get up from sleep in the morning and think that this day will be a run of the mill day or a not so good day, it really turns out to be one.
And it really isn't just coincidence. Everything happens for a reason and the reason is the power of your mind.
Unfortunately you may have a problem with the scientific evidence, but there is plenty. Quantum mechanics explains that there isn't matter on a subatomic level and it's actually just energy. While this is true, there are experiments always being done that makes us realize that energy only exists because of the observer. It truly is the real power behind the mind.
All so called 'paranormal' powers such as remote viewing, telepathy and other psychic powers can be explained using quantum physics. There is nothing 'supernatural' about it.
Even though many of us believe this to be phony television, it's actually part of the quantum physics theory. In short, nothing is solid and instead energy that is created by our minds.
You've probably already experienced this a time or two without even realizing it. Maybe you were cutting out coupons and that inner voice told you if you don't stop you'll end up cutting your hand. Then of course you didn't listen to this nonsense and all of the sudden you stick your other hand with the scissors. Granted, it may not have happened exactly like this, but you get the idea.
Let us take a look at the steps needed to direct your mind power to creating what you want.
Initially there must be a goal set in our mind and it must be done in a scrupulous way. The goal however should not contain anything that is not clear. If it is an amount of money that we have set in our mind, the amount must be clearly etched in our thoughts. After this we must drive all our thoughts and mind activities to this goal and will soon see the result.
Pull yourself away from distracting influences. Keep that effort constant. Try to clear your mind of the usual pattern of thirty different thoughts running at once.
There are certain individuals who have learnt to control and harness their mind power to great extent. They remain completely focused on the goal they want to achieve in life and hence are able to shape their life in a better way.
They focus on specific objectives and put all of their efforts towards their objective, using the full power of the mind. This is what makes it happen; it's more difficult than it sounds on paper, but it's something that all of us can achieve if we put our minds to it.
Imagine completely altering your life by actively taking part in the influence your mind has on your reality. Say that you wanted a new house. You want that new house so much that it almost becomes an obsession. You think about it all the time, you have even planned the landscape and the color of the master bathroom.
Every day you start out with a list of tasks that will bring you closer to your dream of home ownership. You plan it, you think about color schemes and landscaping. Eventually, this will boost your performance at work; it'll encourage you to save, or to cut back your credit card debt.
How would you feel if all of the sudden your dream home came on the market and you were able to afford it? Pretty good right? What if a year from now you actually own it? These are the kinds of things you can do to make your life a whole lot better. If there is anything we recommend as a goal, it has to be to take a vacation. Everyone needs them, especially if you never take one.
In a nutshell our mind is really a powerhouse that has no bound to impossible things it can do. We should not thus have any doubts to the capabilities of the human mind.

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