Tips For Leading A Good Life

Tips For Leading A Good Life

Dr. Purushothaman
September 2, 2013

1. Come back up with a life mantra
2. Get sensible at one thing
3. Total those ABS
4. Keep your brain sharp
5. Scan one thing sacred right before bed and once waking.
6. Select your friends showing wisdom
7. Don’t burn bridges
8. Keep a journal/diary
9. Learn to use and trust your subconscious/intuition
10. Develop a magnetic temperament
11. Love is all theirs
12. Drink lots of water.
13. Eat breakfast sort of a king, lunch sort of an aristocrat and dinner sort of a beggar.
14. Eat a lot of foods that grow on trees and plants, and eat less food that's factory-made in plants.
15. Tolerate the these ideas- Energy, Enthusiasm, and sympathy.
16. Create time for prayer and reflection
17. Play a lot of games.
18. Scan a lot of books than you probably did in 2012.
19. Sit in silence for a minimum of ten minutes on a daily basis.
20. Sleep for seven hours.

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