Tips for being creative in life

Dr. Purushothaman
September 2, 2013

1. If you want to be creative, try to give space for yourself
2. Do nothing and take good time out for the relaxation of mind and body
3. While relaxing, never let your mind loiter towards work
4. Be dutiful towards your family
5. Begin your day early
6. Start your day with meditation and prayer
7. Do regular exercise
8. To release stress and gain energy for the next work, go out for a small drive to a quiet place with less distraction
9. Creativity is fueled by solitude
10. For being creative, remain alone and get yourself charged
11. Like solitude, people enjoy the company of others. So learn to enjoy working in a place full of movement
12. Occasional breaks between works will bring you relaxation
13. Take notes on whatever inspires you on the go
14. Boost up yourself by changing your regular thought process
15. Do what you love
16. Give yourself a little bit of entertainment while working
17. Always be curious. Curiosity helps to gain more knowledge
18. Have a positive attitude towards the problems which you face in life
19. Treat problems as a natural and normal part of life
20. Creative people are more aware of the things going around their world
21. Creative people believe that problems come with a solution
22. Be flexible. Change when ever needed
23. Believe in you and your creativity
24. Allow positive thinking
25. Always believe that you can create the best

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