The Mind Body Connection

Dr. Purushothaman
January 16, 2014


Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, "You are what you think about." Whenever one thinks a positive or negative thought, it has repercussions that affect the entire person. Your mind and body are one, there is no separation between the two. The health and well-being of one is directly tied to the health and well-being of the other.
So how does one go about changing his or her mind-set? How can someone harness this incredible power of the human mind in order to better control his or her physical health and strength? The first step is to change your attitude. It all begins with this concept. Once one understands that his or her attitude controls his or her thoughts, he or she can begin to understand the totality of his or her individual make-up and the world that he or she can create for themselves.
In other words, your perspective can change the outcome of any given situation. For example, let's say someone gets fired from his or her job. On the one hand, a person may perceive this as a disaster. He or she has no income, a reduced livelihood and the potential for financial ruin if he or she allows him or herself to become despondent. This is one potential outcome.
The other side of this coin is to understand that one door closing is another opening up. Getting fired is the opportunity to find a better job. One that pays more and one that is more fulfilling to the individual. Oftentimes, one is stuck at a certain point in his or her life and getting fired from his or her job can be the catalyst for change. The next job he or she gets is a step up and his or her life can be improved dramatically. This is the other potential outcome of getting fired.
So, which of these possibilities is correct? Both and neither. It all depends on the attitude and perception of the person who experiences it. Always keep in mind the concept what you think about, you bring about. Thinking that getting fired is a horrible thing will make it so. Thinking of a firing as an opportunity in life will make it so, as well.
This is not an easy thing to incorporate into one's life. It takes patience and practice. Try starting out with a simple mental mantra like, "I can do this" or "It is all about how you look at things". Repeat these phrases and others of a positive affirmation and it will get easier. Think positive and your mind will become conditioned to the fact that things are how you view them. But one must also take action on this knowledge by living these concepts in practice.
If you believe the world is a cesspool of depravity, this is what you will see. Believe the opposite - that the world is a place of goodness and well-meaning people and this will become the reality. Take charge of your mind and attitude and this will lead to whatever your heart desires.

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