The Hallmark Of Success

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Dr. Purushothaman
December 11, 2013

It is said that success is a process. It is achieved through 'works in progress'. In other words, to attain the tomorrow you crave, you have to start yesterday. The future life of success you desire will arrive if you work on your dreams and aspirations at the appropriate time.

Be anxious to improve your circumstances. You can choose a career path. It could be through formal or informal education. Take all necessary steps you deem fit, staying focused with a teachable attitude.

Getting a mentor may help if you do not know where to start. The mentor will have the responsibility of setting for you a standard that is higher than you are. He will set realistic goals for you to attain over time.

What does the creative energy in you need for ignition? Do you need to read up or gather information about an issue? Do you need to access the internet for some life changing experience? Do you need to attend seminars, workshops or listen to some cds or watch some videos on particular issues related to your career path? What is keeping you in the dump?

The beauty of it all is that the power to improve yourself is within you. It is all in your mind. You must have the willingness to improve otherwise you stagnate and very soon you won't be relevant anymore...because we live in a constantly changing world.

Every successful person will tell you that to become successful, you must continuously make efforts to improve your finances, business, your life, relationships and infact your health as well. These are all related and for you to be a winner, you have to work hard at each of them. If you make money and you are not healthy, you have not achieved success.

To unlock the entrance to a great future, you must take continuous self improvement as a religion. You have to be addicted to never ending learning. If you stop, you will stop growing and that my friend, is very dangerous.


If you don't program yourself, life will program you......Les Brown

The biggest room in the world is the room for improvement.....Unknown Author

Perfection does not exist - you can always do better and you can always grow....Les Brown

You can't have a better tomorrow if you think of yesterday all the time.....Charles F. Kettering

I don't think much of a man who is not wiser today than he was yesterday........Abraham Lincoln

Unless you try to do something beyond what you have mastered, you will never grow...C. R. Lawton

People seldom improve when they have no other model but themselves to copy after....Oliver Goldsmith

Nurture your mind with great thoughts, for you will never go any higher than you think.......Benjamin Disraeli

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