Adolescent Obesity
Obese adults more often than not withdrew themselves from social groups for fear of ridicule. They developed a low self-esteem because being fat or obese is …
Obese adults more often than not withdrew themselves from social groups for fear of ridicule. They developed a low self-esteem because being fat or obese is …
Being an ADHD adolescent can be difficult both from a social and academic perspective. In this article we will look take a close look at this pivotal time in a …
Dealing with alcoholism and drug abuse is difficult. Imagine how difficult it would be if your teenager has to deal with it on his/her own. If you find any …
Scoliosis is defined as curvature of the spine in the coronal (front view) plane. Idiopathic scoliosis is the most common type of spinal deformity confronting …
It's hard enough being a teenager without having to deal with an anxiety condition. When adolescent anxiety becomes a problem your teen's life can become a …
Teenage drug and alcohol addiction are the two main woes of parents all over the world. Together with adolescent alcohol treatment centers and drug …
Self esteem is important factor for everyone, especially for an adolescent, in their social life and personal life. Here you will know the four affecting …
Do we have reason to be concerned about adolescent obesity? Over the past three decades the number of overweight and obese children has nearly tripled. …