Review: Csiro Total Wellbeing Diet

living in wellness

Dr. Purushothaman
January 21, 2014


To lose weight, look into Csiro. Csiro is actually an acronym for the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Organization, which is an integral part of Australias National Science Agency. The target demographic of this diet is citizens of Australia, but it can be successfully by anyone from any country. In its essence, the Csiro diet is a high protein diet for adults that discourage the consumption of carbohydrates. The theory behind doing so is that these high protein foods will allow an individual to fill fuller for longer, which prevents them from overeating. Furthermore, scientific evidence contributes to the theory that large amounts of protein are effective in preventing Type 2 diabetes and heart disease.
The Csiro Total Wellbeing Diet book strongly encourages exercise, and it thoroughly explains the benefits of it in its chapters. Readers of the book will find inside 12 weeks worth of meal plans and over 85 different recipes to choose from. Subsequent books with additional recipes have also been published. The authors of this diet and fitness book state that it can be used by adults of all ages and fitness levels to improve their overall health. Many follower of this diet have also gained confidence in the fact that the program was developed by physicians.
The Csiro diet book is available online from a number of different retailers, and it is relatively inexpensive. Those who are interested in following the diet can obtain some of its recipes from the Csiro official website. It should be noted, however, that the Csiro diet plan is not designed for vegans or vegetarians. Overall, the Csiro diet plan is rather restrictive, and there will be some individuals who find the carbohydrate restrictions difficult to follow an extended period of time. Furthermore, one must be aware that there are no additional supplements or appetite suppressants used in conjunction with this diet plan.
Although it is built upon solid, well-known principles, the Csiro diet is not distinctive from others that are found on the market today. As with any diet plan or workout regimen, an individual should first consult with their primary care physician to ensure that they are healthy enough to undertake the plan. Before choosing to engage in the Csiro diet plan, it will be necessary for an individual to assess their health and fitness goals to ensure that this diet and workout plan adequately meets them. Are you struggling with your weight? Do you want to learn easy and fun ways to lose weight quickly, check out weight loss tips for more advice.
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Donna Morgan at

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