Purpose and Prosperity for small business

Dr. Purushothaman
November 27, 2013


Is it time for you to fulfill your greater
purpose in your business and know that you can
have prosperity as well?
Do you want to attract all the right clients you
need, knowing that you are giving excellent value
and making a difference in people's lives?
You probably don't want to focus on money and yet
you want to feel abundant and bring prosperity
into your business. You might be
tired of struggling financially while you dream
about how your business could make a difference
to many people.
The true problem is that you want to realize your
real purpose and be able to express that meaning
through your business, and at the same time you
want to bring prosperity to yourself and others.
So how do you bring Purpose and Prosperity
together in your business? It has to do with
acknowledging the spirit of your business or the
vital force within yourself and your business.
Within this context of spirit, Purpose and
Prosperity co-exist. You cannot have one without
the other.
Of course you want people to feel that life force
when they come to you for your products or
services. In fact, without the spirit people
just won't be attracted. Imagine if you were
cooking a meal for someone but you had no energy
for it so you just depressingly went through the
actions and threw stuff into a pan and then
served it. People wouldn't want to eat it even if
it looked like it should be good. There would be
no life force. The spirit or life force is what
attracts people and when that is full and rich,
purpose and prosperity are mutually inclusive.
So how do you assure your customers that you are
real and full of life?
Think about your favorite restaurant. You can
smell the good food and it looks beautiful and
feels good. You just know that it is real, full
of life and nurturing.
This works the same with any product and most
importantly with people. People are attracted to
people whose spirit is shining.
There are two things that help any business to be
real and grow.
1. Understanding that growing a business is all
about relationships.
The more people you can start a "real"
relationship with the better for your business.
Real relationships are about listening to people you meet.
Find out about who they are, what makes them tick.
This probably makes sense but how many people do
this everyday? How many new people do you meet each day?
You might feel great when you do connect with new
people but the real challenge is to learn how to
do this everyday in a sustainable way. This means
sharing your spirit, listening, and allowing.
2. You must embrace success. You cannot offer
anything to anyone if you don't have it, whether
it is money, support, or food. Success is a
state of being-ness. It is a state of mind, and
from that place, good decisions are made as to how to
run your business in sound, tried and true
principles. Make a decision to do anything you can think
of to cultivate success in your being. I make anew vision
board each year with pictures and words that keep me
focused on my goals. What works for you?
Focus on developing these two things and your
business will begin to reflect its real spirit in the

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