Philosophy of Education of Thinker Teacher Orhan Seyfi Ari on Educational Philosophy

Dr. Purushothaman
November 29, 2013

Orhan Seyfi Ari's deducible educational philosophy on philosophy of education rhymed thus philosophers' philosophies, educators', teachers', educational philosophies' failures to teach man his difference from wild animals he behaved as:-

I was an ape' you say, -or amphibian?..
And now?! Are not , now, ‘man'!?

Failings in educational philosophy were of educational philosophers, eastern and western thinkers of educational philosophy, teachers, in teaching values in educational philosophies.

Were affecting educational philosophies, educational philosophers, educators and education, teachers and teaching, philosophy and science, knowledge and wisdom, the biases in educational philosophy of those who thrived on ignorance and sought to unpopularize in their philosophies of education each other's kind to the masses with many concerns or under pain of ridicule or other injury and unable not to believe or accept as told, by, e.g., supporting 'the monkey trial' or 'discovering' the Piltdown man, by abusing the trust and innocence of man in bigotry or ignorance ~ in teaching, educational philosophy, educational philosophers, educators, teachers too readily adopted viewpoint applications of not educators into philosophy of education, teaching -even in the education and teaching of young minds.

Ethical skepticism in philosophy by some philosophers was a concern of daily life in philosophy of education to educators and teachers in teaching -through philosophies of education, educators' and teachers' teaching affected society's learned behavior ~ whether ontology, philosophy, philosophers could explain or not the transcendental, whether man lacked mental capacity for the transcendental as in some philosophers' philosophies or not, some educational philosophies' and educators' suggestion, that 'truth' could be only scientifically known in philosophy, psychology's increased acceptance of philosophy's and philosophers' 'mind', cosmology's agreement with eastern and western philosophy and great philosophers on a 'mysterious force', made doubtful; science's, ontology's, philosophy's, even great philosophers' not fully understanding the transcendental did not justify educators' and teachers', in educational philosophy, deeming transcendental philosophy untruth in epistemology, education, school teaching; such attitude to transcendental philosophy, in any philosophy of education was disservice to mankind whose expectations from philosophies of education included aspirations global to transcendental philosophy based knowledge.

Philosophers philosophies through philosophies of education, educators' and teachers' teaching affected society's learned behavior ~ whether ontology, philosophy, philosophers could explain or not the transcendental, whether man lacked mental capacity for the transcendental as in some philosophers' philosophies or not, some educational philosophies' and educators' suggestion, that 'truth' could be only scientifically known in philosophy, psychology's increased acceptance of philosophy's and philosophers' 'mind', cosmology's agreement with eastern and western philosophy and great philosophers on a 'mysterious force', made doubtful; science's, ontology's, philosophy's, even great philosophers' not fully understanding the transcendental did not justify educators' and teachers', in educational philosophy, deeming transcendental philosophy untruth in epistemology, education, school teaching; such attitude to transcendental philosophy, in any philosophy of education was disservice to mankind whose expectations from philosophies of education included aspirations global to transcendental philosophy biased knowledge.

In educational philosophy also, good considered some eastern and western philosophies and philosophers man, bad other philosophies and philosophers; while differed philosophers' knowledge and wisdom and philosophy and preferred educational philosophy, logic in philosophy on man's behavior (irrespective of educators' different policies and teachers' teaching varied history) suggested that man was neither 'good' nor 'bad' but his developable original unique mind and intellect impressionable ~ society's imperfections contributed (also through ethics of some philosophers and philosophy, biased philosophies of education, teaching of and by educators, teachers) to man's suffering alone -this arose from influences ignorant of man's morality not being only about society's retribution, assuming man irrational and neglecting (also in educational philosophy) his being regulated also by intrinsic desires, their confusing strength with power and ignoring most philosophy and philosophers supported by history that man, his rationality always overcoming temporary hysteria representing wicked abuse and ignorance, and most powerful, whenever considered the nature or extent of retribution or neglect of intrinsic values intolerable, always (not necessarily through educators in educational philosophy and teachers of moral philosophy, by education and teaching) changed what he disliked.

Continues the suffering, and continues the wait
But tomorrows there are and the hope is great!

Educational philosophy, philosophers on ethics, morals, educators, teachers, often forgot that, 'bad' everywhere in minority, while man's passion made it impossible always to 'turn the other cheek' and, e.g., his various laws extended mitigating circumstances to crimes of passion though cruel when by his biological constitution unchangeable by any philosophy of education he was in fright without flight, man's morality included a sense of proud fairness and desire not to fail himself or loved ones by behaving badly -but for abuse or ignorance he preferred being thought well of.

'Truth' of philosophy, of philosophers, in practice (affecting every philosophy of education) -whether personal or (and especially) impersonal, whether experienced or presupposed, two kinds of existed: truth global, truth environmental; notwithstanding biases in philosophy and prejudices of philosophy of education, both were good, essential in teaching, education, in every educational philosophy. Truth global was truth understood through science, and truth accepted inductively or deductively by the logic of philosophers and philosophy ~ man everywhere, always, desiring to enjoy more, better, including the satisfaction of his intellectual curiosities on metaphysics, aspired to this. Truth environmental was that which, for reasons affected by various factors -e.g., resources or policies and philosophies of education adopted, as distinct from -or as variations of truth global, some of man's aspirations and behavior had to be based on, for better and more enjoyment of, both, avoiding society's retribution and extrinsic and intrinsic rewards, in his immediate environment -through philosophy and philosophers, educators and teachers in educational philosophy, this suffered in teaching, education (mostly of history, metaphysics) much bias. In adopted philosophy of education, philosophers on values, in education educators and teachers, had to balance these truths in educating educators, training teachers, teaching.

Philosophers and philosophy of education and teaching, history of teaching and education, showed bias in epistemology, science, philosophy, incorrect knowledge in teaching and education of educators and teachers, through educators, teachers in formal teaching, about nature and man ~ when cultural philosophy of education and teaching ignored another's cultural philosophy of education and teaching and attitude, and was not balanced environmental truth with global truth, that did not change, e.g., adultery in Austrian law [until 1987] and over 20 states of the USA being crime (severity of punishment [in statue or legal precedent], e.g., for polygamy in Utah and Idaho, for murder in the USA and Europe [also not affected by the former's thrice, e.g., the UK's once having varied it] being not the only or the fundamental measure), nor, e.g., the unacceptability of pre-marital sexual relationships in Turkey being no less in Cyprus and Greece, but gave rise by abuse or ignorance to extreme speculations also through educational philosophers, educators' adopted educational philosophy in education, teachers' teaching, causing leanings globally undesirable, injurious to, both, society and individual.

Society is the soil; individuals, the seeds to grow
Honest and sure is the deal: you reap what you sow

Philosophy, science, argued on religion, great philosophers debated God -education and teaching of and by educators, teachers, in educational philosophy, continued its ignorance or obstinacy ~ whether or not on spirituality with accepted unknowns an educational philosophy considered itself more knowledgeable in teaching and education on much eastern and western philosophy by many eastern and western philosophers about afterlife than one when in the womb about the world, was 'God' of religion not basically the 'mysterious force' of science, and were not the basic values of most philosophers and philosophy in keeping social order, e.g., as rights and wrongs based on 'the ten commandments', of all religious, secular, materialist societies?!

Despite some educational philosophers and philosophies of education, educators and teachers, wasn't also in philosophy of education man's imagination shameless and unknowns of philosophers and philosophy and science limiting reason -and (irrespective of influences through religion, philosophers, educational philosophy, science, educators and teachers in education and teaching) did not ‘conscience' matter (which did in religions, philosophy, sociology, psychology) in philosophy of education?!

Concerns of philosophers, philosophy, with language had to be more, extended beyond symbolism which knowledge changed (just as, e.g., in dream symbolism black man was no longer a bad omen), caring not only about philosophical thought -in educational philosophy on language teaching as for social psychology and social philosophy it was for educational philosophy to prevent language being biasedlyor ignorantly perverted: it was educational philosophy's disservice to future generations that, e.g., 'gay' they would hardly understand as meant in great literature ~ it was disservice of educational philosophy that artistes, intellectuals, academics, considered forceful replacing of words from languages of nations they hailed advancement in civilization and internationally funded literacy programs' teaching basic 'international language'; language, competently used, had been responsible for social reforms through, e.g., Dickens or Ibsen, such enjoyment through, e.g., Shakespeare or Fuzuli, such mystical and philosophical literature as, e.g., Goethe's -the long term effect might compare to, e.g., the loss of great works of literature and philosophy by mobs' burning of the library of Alexandria. Philosophers in education, educators in every educational philosophy, language teachers, it fell upon, in teaching, education, to ensure this appreciation.

In philosophy philosophers, in teaching and education educators and teachers, did innocent disservice on the biases (e.g., educational philosophy more emphasizing WW2 enemies' moral philosophy of education and philosophy killing five million than ally's thirty million) or ignorance of the influences basing in philosophy and teaching the truth of two and two making four, also in educational philosophy, dependent on whether, e.g., "Avicenna's" philosophy or [same philosopher] "Abu ibn Sina's" philosophy ~ more than man's experiences when young man's innocence enabled cruelty, presenting others so different encouraging bad behavior. The need in educational philosophies for every philosophy of education to balance practical teaching and education with academic teaching and education enabling doers to be (or with them also there to be) thinkers was based also on man's aspirations to, and cherishing, quiet enjoyment, often so upset -did not systems that failed man's aspirations to cherish always perish?!

In educational philosophy also, it would not help knowledge in philosophy or in teaching and education of and by educators and teachers for philosophical thought to resign itself to silence on what none could deny but many could not explain; philosophy and philosophers, philosophical thought and philosophical logic, unaffected by 'meta-philosophy', existed because man's curiosity compelled him what he could not know to seek to have an appreciation of, although one could not identically experience another's, e.g., joy or pain in respect of which disagreement on, e.g., the extent of it, was possible and argument in view of unequal knowledge possibly impossible ~ in philosophy philosophers, in teaching and education educators, teachers, aspiring to prevent forcing on or distorting young minds were forgetting in philosophy of education that religions advocated a mind usable well or badly (as science the intellect and philosophy man's will) in systems requiring faith in unknowns or reasons secret and abusable, e.g., by unequal measures comparing Dewey or Darwin and St. La Salle or monk Mendel; educational philosophy policies disregarded man's reasons for requiring in educational philosophy [e.g., UK Education Act's educational philosophy] when teaching a theory other theories on the matter also to discuss to enable man to apply his own mind, and that appreciation advocated in every philosophy and essential to philosophy of education in every educational philosophy.

To believe, than to defend, is other...
To talk about is one thing, to do, another

Philosophy was not nonsense divorced from logic, nor affected 'meta-philosophy' philosophical logic application, inductive or deductive, and in philosophy of education, to the known of the known before and after and the unknown -also in the latter respect capable of useful sense in educational philosophy. Scientific research on philosophy, even though many a philosophy of education, e.g., only now had eventually agreed with millennia old philosophy and philosophers on man's faculties in relation to teaching and education, was good ~ but that scorn through educators and teachers in teaching and education for some philosophies and philosophers was based on ignorance, e.g., of psychologists' increasing acceptance of 'mind', of evolutionary theories having come to be accepted by science as not being as originally hypothesized, of the uncertainty principle of quantum physics as regards the mere act of observing affecting the observed, of personal development theories being adaptations from ancient philosophy and philosophers, was bad for teaching, education, teachers, reflected in educational philosophy badly as that or bias on educators on the purpose of education advocated by philosophy of education.

Educational philosophy, with growing interest in adult education, could benefit students and society by not disregarding man's potential to always learn -his appearance of learning better when young was considerably due to concerns of adult life affecting as non-use did a car battery ~ and love, popular in many a philosophy of education, aided in education and teaching only if with understanding of both in applying educational philosophy policies.

Philosophers in philosophy, educators and teachers in school teaching and adult education, in every philosophy of education, owed care while teaching and educating not to couple biases affecting teaching and education and students' knowledge and learning contrary to man's aspirations ~ that began by exercising thought in education and teaching to think -society's purpose of education in every educational philosophy.

Never the thinker expires
Who in others thinking inspires

Teaching of Teacher Ari on: Great Teachers

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