Online Learning Works for Corporate Training

Dr. Purushothaman
October 13, 2013

Online training has a number of benefits for companies who deal with the challenges of providing effective training to their employees on an ongoing basis. Delivering high-quality, consistent training classes and programs to diverse populations of employees via traditional learning methods can be very challenging for a number of reasons.

Challenges of Traditional Training in Corporate Settings
Scheduling time for a number of employees to attend instructor-lead training sessions at a particular time can be very difficult, particularly in smaller organizations and departments. It isn't always easy, or even possible to choose a time that will work for everyone who needs to attend.

No matter how carefully training sessions are planned, it seems that something always comes up at the last minute that keeps one or more of the employees from being able to attend a mandatory training session. When this happens, some of the employees get the training they need, and others do not.

While additional training sessions can always be scheduled at a later date, two instructor-led training sessions are never exactly the same. Even when the same training agenda is followed, there will likely be some inconsistency from one session to the next. When employees are going to be held to the same performance standards, it is vital to be sure that they all receive the same training.

Advantages of E-Learning in Corporate Training
With online training, there are benefits in terms of both scheduling convenience. Since e-learning is designed to be delivered on-demand, scheduling group training sessions is not an issue with this type of employee training. Employees can participate in online training as a group or individually, as allowed by their schedules.

With e-learning, content will remain consistent from one learner to the next, because of the manner in which online training is developed and delivered. The intervening variable of class composition and instructor personality is removed from the mix with online training. For training and human resources managers who are responsible for ensuring that all employees have equal access to training, this advantage is priceless.

An additional advantage of e-learning is the self-paced nature of the instruction. Those who require remediation can spend time acquiring the skills they need without being singled out in a classroom environment as being slower than their peers. Those with advanced skills can move quickly through the training materials, accomplishing the training objectives and goals at a pace that works for them.

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