Making a difference
Especially when things seem down
"There's no reason to be the richest man in the cemetery. You can't do any business from there." Colonel Harlan Sanders (KFC Founder)
It is important to look at business from more than just a day-to-day perspective. We work hard to keep things going forward, to realise the dream of success but sometimes miss the point along the way.
- why?
OK, things look slow right now so you put off the charity donations and you cut back on community support! What can that hurt? What does my little bit do anyway?
Look at some of the benefits along the way
Connecting to a cause:
Links you into the local community - The very people who support your business.
Gives you credibility - It shows your 'heart' and builds your reputation on a much wider scale.
Builds you own passion to succeed - I have noticed a distinct difference in people who are in business for more than just their own benefit. They are passionate and enthusiastic - they want to build and grow rather than sit still in 'comfort'.
Builds your staff and family - Staff and family become enthusiastic about helping. 'Fun' fundraisers and events give an excuse to break the monotony and enjoy work - it rubs off on customers. Fun is contagious.
Gives the charity a platform - Lets people see the work being done and join you in supporting it & making the work known to those who need help.
Actually helps people - I am fond of telling local business groups that what seems like a small amount per month donated to a local charity or organisation can become quite significant when a group decide to pull together. $500 a month may seem a drop in the ocean but linked with 10, 20 or more other businesses it can amount to $60,000; $120,000 or more over 12 months. Look at money box collections - $50 per week over 12 months by only 10 outlets is $26,000!
Doesn't cost much - giving can be monetary but can also be in goods or services. Look for a charity that 'fits' your business and its style.
- Don't keep it quiet!
If you want to help - let others know, the reasons already given make it logical to put this into the marketing plan - not only your business benefits, but the cause will be helped in a far greater way as well.
Plan events
Involve the staff
Visit the charity where possible
Give in kind
Have fun!
Find the right 'fit'
- A Cause you and your business can relate to
Look for:
Local if your business is local (or national/International)
Ability to work with the charity staff
Regular updates on the charity's work
No issues with publicity
Something that fires your passion
Links with your business roots eg sponsoring children in the country your goods come from, helping students in schools from your staff base (McDonalds currently do this with a Maths program).
Peter Irvine
Peter is Co-Founder of Gloria Jean's Coffees, author of 'Win In Business", business consultant and speaker.
Attitude = Altitude
Have you ever worked with someone who is skilled, knowledgeable and experienced, yet just never seems to get ahead? Most of us have at some time or another. Alternatively, have you come across someone not quite as talented, but seems to always be moving upwards?
The difference between these two types is not their level of skill or knowledge or experience. It comes down to one single thing - attitude.
Whether you are a Client Manager, Team Leader or Support Staff Member, the level of success you will have is dependent up one on thing - your attitude.
Your attitude - your approach, point of view or opinion (whichever you prefer) influences the way you look at everything around you - your role, your tasks, your goals, your colleagues, your current situation and your future path. Simply put your attitude is an amalgamation of your behaviours, beliefs and feelings - your experiences, education and personality shape your attitude.
Knowing this, it becomes relatively easy to see why some people are successful and others (who you might think should be) are not. It has to do with their attitude.
Think of what defines a "positive" attitude in your business:
A general "can do" view of the role, challenges and new tasks
Preparedness to go the extra mile to help a client or solve a problem
Tenacity in dealing with complex issues
Viewing problems as a new and exciting challenge
Giving praise where it is due, acknowledging the efforts of colleagues and thanking them publicly
Looking for solutions, not problems
Ignoring the blame game and just getting down to sorting out the problem
Acknowledging and embracing different points of view
Recognising that being right at all costs is not the path to co-operation
Being even tempered, considered and proactive in the approach to issues.
While this is just some of the many characteristics of a positive attitude, you might begin to realise that a colleague who demonstrates these behaviours is an incredibly valuable asset a business. If you have a positive attitude, you are likely to:
Be resilient and quickly recover from unpleasant or difficult situations. You will look for lessons in the experience rather than continually looking back on how horrible it was
Be optimistic about the future. This optimism will help influence those around you
Be confident in your skills and ability. You will recognise areas of development and happily embrace learning
Help you manage your emotions and express them in constructive ways
Take responsibility for your actions
Think outside the square and consider all options, even those that appear unlikely.
Basically, your attitude will determine your altitude in business and in life. A positive attitude towards your job and your goals can be the determinant of your success. That is, an optimistic outlook, can do approach and view that anything is possible, will often provide you with the energy and enthusiasm to succeed.
The following article was supplied by Icon Business Solutions of which Tony Gattari is an accredited business advisor
About the Author
Tony Gattari of Achievers Group is a business keynote speaker and guest speaker. His passionate enthusiastic style makes him ideal as your next sales speaker, marketing speaker or keynote speaker. Tony Gattari has worked with over 120 businesses. See http://www.achieversgroup.com.au for more info.
Article Source: http://goarticles.com/article/Making-a-Difference-Attitude-Attitude/2208580/