Key to a Purpose Driven Life

Dr. Purushothaman
November 27, 2013


Often it is true that the simple things are both the best things and also the things we seem to avoid or 'not have time for'.
Here is what I do personally with great success, and also some very special and important tips that reveal why such personal time thinking sessions often do not work for people.
A 10 Minute Purpose Driven Life Focus Session is one of those magical things that when done regularly can prove miraculous at improving the quality, enjoyment, and effectiveness of our day; a genuine key to your purpose driven life.
It's important to keep it simple, but to maintain awareness of its importance. That helps us to do it regularly as we are not worried so much about 'doing it right' yet still able to recognize that it is a very significant thing to do in some form.
The essence of a Purpose Driven Life Focus Session is to write thoughts down.
A purpose driven life comes out of a regularly updated mindfulness and clarity of your thoughts, responsibilities, projects, hurdles, and desires.
It's actually not so important to write anything in particular as it is to simply write something, whatever comes up, and trusting yourself and making space for your self to explore whatever ideas press onto your awareness.
You may reflect on your state of emotions. You may write down the pressing matters that you need to attend to. You may simply jot down some fantasy imaginations of something you are looking forward to. You may write down your current thoughts on achieving a purpose driven life as you see it at the time.
I want to stress in this article that what is important is just to do something, almost anything, that requires writing down on paper or typing on computer, some personal thoughts.
Doing so awakens and connects the whole mind.
My own sessions have now molded into a flexible structure of reviewing the larger and more important things in my life, then considering my current projects, then visualizing myself performing well throughout the day, then getting in touch with positive emotions.
Here are some tips that help my clients understand and maintain a regular 10 minute 'purpose driven life' focus session.
DON'T feel guilty if you do not do the 10 Minute Purpose Driven Life Focus Session every day. The point of the exercise is to help put you in a resourceful state to help improve your day.
Often it will happen that you do not feel high energy about doing a focusing session. Some might say that it is those times when you really need to do it. I think you have to honestly decide that for yourself, as it's not worth saying to yourself that you 'should' do it ('shoulding' all over yourself) and then not doing it, and then feeling guilty, and then blanking out your awareness of it, and then get further into a rut - do you relate?
Give yourself permission day to day to do whatever you feel gives you more energy and productivity. Don't take me or anyone else as knowing better than you what's best. "Question everything" - Socrates
Sometimes you will want to jump out of bed and get on with things right away. If you're already either on a tight deadline or on fire with commitment for your projects then it's not necessary to do the 10 minute focus.
Sometimes you will feel like spending more or less time, perhaps filling most of the 10 minutes or even more time than that, on a specific area or an emotionally empowering visualisation.
It's important to use the 10 minute review as BOTH an intellectual exercise, as well as an emotionally involved exercise. A purpose driven life combines rational decision making with emotional connectedness. Without mindfulness of how they fit together for you personally you can not live a purpose driven life.
Don't expect that you should feel turned on and bubbling over with enthusiasm after your 10 minute focus sessions. That is a false expectation that gets people depressed because they think 'whats wrong with me why don't I feel all excited and filled with joy whilst I'm cooking dinner or checking my emails?' Emotions go up and down so accept wherever they are at any time as you focus on your projects and responsibilities.
In what way have you already attempted or done some kind of focus session?
What is purpose to you? And what would you say is your purpose?
Do you feel that at this time you are living a purpose driven life?
What time in your morning routine would be most suitable for a focus session?
Is night time a better time for you?
You will start to experience the benefits of the 10 Minute Purpose Driven Life Focus Session about a week after maintaining it almost every day. If you don't, write me and together we'll work something out more suitable for you.

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