Jyotish Vedic astrology is based on Vedic philosophy. The philosophy tries to bring the mind, soul, and body together to work seamlessly as one. The team will give you various analysis and reports. These could be through the website or through the phone. Some of the reports and analysis that you will get include love and marriage reports, remedial measures, personalized Puja, Vaastu services, finance reports, 1 year reports, ask 3 questions, health reports, education reports, life prediction reports, progeny reports, and career reports.
The prediction you get will be based on Jamn Rashi or your moon sign. This is the Rashi/Zodiac in which the moon is positioned when you are born. This position is the focal point in this astrology. Your inner world of emotions and feelings are focused here. Your moon sign influences your life more than your sun sign. The AstroProspects team understands the various levels of meanings and interpretations of the ancient Vedas. The levels include dharma, kama, artha, and moksha.
AstroProspects employs comprehensive and advanced methods and techniques. All the methods used are realistic and pragmatic. You will get answers to even mundane questions. The team promises to exceed your expectations. It will protect your anonymity if for some reason you do not want the whole world to know you are seeking the services of a Vedic astrologer.
These are the best astrologers because they are Indian. Although Jyotish Vedic astrology has been exported to the Western world, Indian astrologers are still the best since they understand the Vedic texts and the context in which the ancient texts were written. These are the best Indian astrologers because they have the necessary training and experience. The team includes the likes of Mala Janardhan who is a mathematical delineation expert and an expert in mythology and philosophy.
Article Source: http://www.amazines.com/Spiritual/article_detail.cfm/4736691?articleid=4736691